Sunday, March 18, 2012

Music and its value....Who is responsible.....?

1- Do you agree with this well.known orchestra conductor?
2- Do you think his job is important or not?
3- What other jobs or professions could be compared to his job?


  1. Maria Inès PogonzaApril 7, 2012 at 1:42 PM

    1) Yes Iam a agree because like he said anyone can conduct but make music and learn to conduct is not easy

    2) I think his job is important. His profession there for a reason

    3) Could be compared to his job a theater director, a headmaster

  2. María Inés,
    Good work!*****
    1) Yes, I AGREE because as he ......but playing music and learning to conduct is not easy.
    2) You meant he has chosen his profession for a reason...?
    3) His job could be compared to.....

  3. Maria Inès Pogonza ( monday morning)April 28, 2012 at 4:06 PM

    no, I meant that his profession exist for a reason :)

  4. 1)yes, I agree because i think that you really learned how to do music, when you understand the meaning of how to do it; i mean that you must conduct feeling the music and not hearing only.

    2)I think that his job it is important because it makes the the instruments sound as one

    3)His job could be compared to film directors, football coach, theatrical producers, you name it.

    1. Juan Manuel,
      Great job! *****
      1- ...I think that you really LEARN how....
      I (capital letter) and not only hearing it / not only listening to it}
      2- His job (it) is important (his job= it)
      3- football coachES

  5. 1) Yes, I agree. He start joking about his profession because many people doesn't know much about it. The truth is that to be an orchestral conductor you have to know a lot about music, however, as well said, music perfection is unreachable.

    2) Without a director it's impossible to perform an orchestral work. The director not only mark the time(which is crucial sometimes) but also determines de way the piece will be perform. The conduction it's not something deliberate.Before performing there is an intensive practice between the orchestra and the conductor.

    3)An orchestral conductor can be compared with a musician. The orchestral is like an instrument and the conductor is the executor.

    1. Victor,
      Good work!*****
      1- Yes, I agree with him. Yes, I do.
      He startED.....
      Many people DON´T know....
      orchestra conductor
      musical perfection
      2-the director does not only.... the way the piece will be performED
      CONDUCTING (it) is not something deliberate. Conducting = it ( you should use "it" not to repeat the word conducting.

  6. Juan Morgan LU: 1022881 Viernes - Turno MañanaJune 7, 2012 at 10:39 PM

    Yes, I agree. He use jokes to describe his work, but his final comment is correct, it´s a very difficul work to direct and conduct music.

    I think that is a very important job, is a function that give sense to the orchestra.

    It could be compare with a football conductor team, that have to give an identity to the squad in the field.

    1. Juan,
      Good work!*****
      1-Yes, I do
      2-I think that IT is a.....ITS function gives....
      3-It could be compareD with a football coach that HAS to give.......

  7. Federico Hib - Lunes Turno MañanaJune 10, 2012 at 5:44 PM

    Yes, I agree because i think that you really learn how to do music, when you understand the meaning of how do it.
    I think that his job is important. Make the instruments sound as one melody
    His job could be compared to theater director, a coach of basketball team, etc.

    1. Federico,
      Good job!*****

      1- Yes, I agree with him. Yes, I do
      I think.....the meaning of how TO do it
      2)...He makeS the instruments.....
      3) ....His job could be compared with A theater.....a coach of A basketball....

  8. 1- Do you agree with this well.known orchestra conductor?
    i agree because, you have to feel and experiment the music to be a excellent director
    2- Do you think his job is important or not?
    yes, is the most important job in a band, because he is the leader!
    3- What other jobs or professions could be compared to his job?
    His job can be comparable with a coach of any team

    mastronardi esteban
    lu: 132781

    1. Esteban,
      Well done!*****
      1- I agree EIYH be AN excellent director/ conductor.
      2- Yes, IT is .....
      3-...can be compared with.....

  9. Facundo Ferro
    1- Do you agree with this well.known orchestra conductor?
    Yes, I agree with him. I think that you have to know a lot about all of the instrument and music.

    2- Do you think his job is important or not?
    I think that this job is the most important in an orchest. If you don´t have a conductor, all the musician do that they want

    3- What other jobs or professions could be compared to his job?
    I think that this job is very similar to a technical director, who has to conect all the player and their functions.

    1. Facundo,
      1- ..musical instruments and music. an orchestra. ......all the musicians will do what they want.
      3- coach who has to coNNect all the playerS with their functions.

  10. Federico Rogido RamosJune 26, 2012 at 11:08 PM

    1- I totally agree with this orchestra conductor, because sometimes you think that some things that others do are easy and anybody could do it, but the truth is that you have to know too much from something to do it well.
    2- I think his job is really important, because he has the task of upgrade the musicians in order to make an special show.
    3- The most similar job is coaching a sport team, for me.

    Federico Rogido Ramos LU:1019540

  11. Federico,
    Good job!*****
    1- and anybody can do them
    you have to know very much about something .....
    2- he has the task of encouraging the musicians .....
    A special show
    3- To me / For me the most similar job to this one is....

  12. 1- Do you agree with this well.known orchestra conductor?
    Yes, I agree with this well known orchestra conductor because the purpose of music is to transmit a feeling and reach our souls.

    2- Do you think his job is important or not?
    Yes, I think that jobs are important, but this job has a singular characteristic wich is to reflect a feeling

    3- What other jobs or professions could be compared to his job?
    Other jobs that can be compared are all artistic s and a physicologist.
    clases: viernes. aula: 705 Numero de leg.: 102.867.5

    1. Exe,
      Well done!*****
      2- .....wHich is to reflect a feeling

  13. 1- Yes I agree with this well-known orchestra conductor.
    2- I think that is important because he has to direct other musicians, so the song can be well played.
    3- Others jobs that can be compared with his job are teachers, and all the jobs that one person has to guide others.

    Ivan Adjemian
    LU: 1020933
    Friday´s morning.

    1. Iván,
      Very good job!*****
      2-... IT is important....
      3- OtheR jobs.....

  14. 1- Do you agree with this well.known orchestra conductor?
    Yes, I agree with him, beacause the profession of being a musician is very difficult.
    2- Do you think his job is important or not?
    Yes it is very important, as other professions, because you have to very creative to do music. No anybody can be a musician.
    3- What other jobs or professions could be compared to his job?
    Another job that can be compare with this job is, for example, the proffession of being a paintor, because you also have to be very creative and you have to have de ability to draw.

    Agustín Balestra

  15. Agustín,
    Very good!*****
    2- Yes, it is very important, as ANY other profession , because you have to BE very creative to do music. NoT just anybody can be a musician.
    3- Another job that can be compareD TO this job is, for example, the proFession of being a paintEr, because you also have to be very creative and you have to have THE ability to draw.
