Sunday, March 18, 2012

Education: Changing paradigms

           1- Could you summarize what Ken Robinson is talking about?
2- Do you agree or disagree? State five reasons at least.
3- Is it easy to make changes? What does it depend on?


  1. 1- Ken Robinson gives his point of view of a topic as important as education. He would like it to be different: social.
    2- I agree. Why? A degree is not a guarantee any more, it is an old model, it divides people, we would learn more and we would acquire a better formation.
    3- It is not easy to change the model. And the reason is practically that it is a model, and as a model in application it is neccessary to define an end.

    Montanaro Nicolás
    Friday Morning
    Classroom 705

  2. Nicolás,
    Well done!!!*****
    2-We SHOULD learn more and we should......
    We would learn more and we would....IF we..........
