Thursday, April 11, 2013

If you........

1- What do you think of this video?
2- Have you ever heard of "Holstee"? Find out and write down a brief comment, please.
3- As you may have noticed there are a lot of conditional sentences mentioned...Write down your favorite ones.


  1. 1) This video is mobilizing. I think it says a lot of things we think every day but we don´t think about this.
    Would have to see it every day to start changing and enjoy life because as says the video, “the life is short”.

    2) I've never heard of Holstee. What I found on the internet is that is a group of people carrying their messages about life or the important things in life, taking action on a bike and taking the message to everyone.

    3)I like this fhrases:
    • If you don`t like something, change it.
    • Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences.
    • Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them, so go out and start creating.
    • Life is short. Live your dream and share your passion.

    Mariela Spezia
    Monday morning

  2. Mariela,
    Good work!!!*****

    1) .....we think ABOUT every day but we don´t think about this.(IT IS NOT CLEAR. Could you make it clear, please? )

    WE SHOULD see it every day to start changing and enjoyING life because as the video SHOWS, “LIFE is short”.

    2) .....that IT is a group of people.......

    3)I like THESE Phrases

  3. 1) we don`t think about it every day, but we must think about this.


  4. Mariela,
    Must (obligation)
    Should (advice)


  5. 1) I love this video. In mi opinnion is very persuassive for everybody.

    2) I've never heard of Holstee. What I found on the internet is that The manifesto reads like something out of a self-help book: A 15-sentence message comprising brief commandments such as, “Do what you love and do it often,” “If you don’t like your job, quit,” and “Travel often; Getting lost will help you find yourself.”

    -"If you don't like something, change it"
    - "If you are looking for the love of your life stop; they will waiting for you when you start doing things you love"
    - Stop over analyzing; all emotions are beautifull."
    - "Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them, so go out and start creating"
    -"Life is short. Live your dream and share your passion"

  6. Ailín,
    Very good job!*****
    1) . In mY opiNion, IT is very persuaSive for everybody.

    3) they will BE waiting for you when you start doing things you love"

  7. I really like this video, i have seen many videos like this one and i think that it send a good message to people that need to strat to do something with their-self,i mean that it movilize people to stop complaining and get up and move on doing the things that they like.
    I've never heard about holstee but i like what it try to communicate.
    I like too much the sentecne "Life is about the people you meet and the things you created with them." I'm a person that like meet people everyday and not spend time with tv or pc all the day.

    Juan Manuel Pfeifauf
    LU: 1037623

    1. J. Manuel,
      Very good!*****
      I (capital letter)
      it start....with themselves...
      it makes people stop ....
      I´ve never heard triES to......
      I like very much...
      too much vs. very much (check meaning)
      I´m a person who likeS meetING. and who doesn´t like spending .......on ...all day.

  8. 1) I think this video should be seen by the people who do not loves their life because it teaches us that life isn´t as hard as we believe it is, we just have to do the things that we like.
    2) I have never heard about Holstee but I have seen the Manifiesto they have made several time. What I find on the internet is that Holstee is a firm that sells prints, card, posters, manifiestos and other things and their main objetive is to encourage mindful living.
    3)"If you don´t like something, change it."
    "If you don´t like you job, quit."
    "If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love."

    Nicolas Debernardi. Ingles 1. Viernes. Turno mañana.

  9. Nicolás,
    Good job!*****
    1- (the) people who don´t lovE .....
    2- ....objective....
