Monday, January 6, 2014

Hey!! Ready to answer?

1-Answer please. Why? Why not?

A- Do you believe in love?
B- Do you believe in friendship?
C- Do you believe that peace is possible?
D- Do you believe that war can be stopped?
E- Do you believe in God?
F- Do you believe in supernatural things?
G- Do you believe in miracles?






  1. 1) Yes, i do because i have a friends.
    2) I agoce with Gaston. Yes, i do because everybody deserves on opportunity
    3) Yes, i do because my friends are like my sibilings.
    4) No, i don´t because there is rivalry among people.
    5) No, i don´t because people are ambitious.
    & Yes, i do because i´m Catholic.
    7) Yes, i do because i felt a dead person near me.
    Santiago Cropanese 5º 2º Bachiller

    1. Santiago,
      Very good work!!*****
      Take a look:
      I (capital letter)
      2) I agree opportunity

    2. Santiago,
      Check letters and numbers. There is something wrong...

  2. Rocio Rojas. 5° 2da. Bachiller.
    A) Yes, I do because I have a family.
    B) Yes, I do because my friends are like my siblings.
    C) Yes, I do because it depends on each person.
    D) Not, I dont because if there are human beings there will be war.
    E) Yes, I do because I feel he is with me.
    F) Not, I dont because I have never had any experience.
    G) Not, I dont because it hasn't happened to me and I believe that things just happen for a reason.....

  3. Rocío,
    D) F) G) No, I don´t

  4. A) No , I don´t because I don´t feel love
    B)Yes I do because there are good people
    C)Yes I do because it depende on each persons
    D)No I don´t because war will continue for ever
    E)Yes I do because I feel he is with me
    F)Yes I do because I saw my grandpa´s shadow
    G)Yes I do because my cat had a vision problem and she could get blind but she was operated on and she could see again

    Martín De Los Santos 5° 2da Bachiller

    1. Martín,
      Well done!*****
      Yes, I do because it dependS on each persoN

  5. A) Yes, I do despite I haven´t met the "love of my life".
    B) Yes, I do. Real friends are those people who you can always trust.
    C) Unfortunately no, humans will always have disagreements and most of them are caused by economic interests.
    D) Yes, the fact that we all have different oppinions or interest does not means that we need to reach a warlike instance to solve problems.
    E) Yes, I do because I am Catholic.
    F) I´ve never seen any but I do belive.
    G) Yes I do. I think it is all a matter of faith.

    Mercedes Yunis
    English II
    Tutorship - Mondey Morning

  6. Mercedes,
    B-...those people (who) you can always....
    C unfortunately not
    D...oPinions or interestS does not meaN

  7. Hello Leily 5to 2 B
    A)Yes, I do because I have a family
    B)Yes, I do because There are good people
    C)Yes, I do because It depends on each person
    D)No, I don`t because
    E)Yes, I do because I am catholic
    F)No, I don`t because I have never had any experience
    G) No, I don`t because

  8. Hi, Leily!
    Good work!! *****
    D) ...because.......
    G) ...because......

  9. A- Do you believe in love? yes, I do. I find love in my relationships like my partner, friendships and family.
    B- Do you believe in friendship? yes, I do. My best friends are the best people I know
    C- Do you believe that peace is possible? No, i don't. I think that people have different meanings about what peace means.
    D- Do you believe that war can be stopped? no, I don't. The ideology of the different goverments and religions are very different
    E- Do you believe in God? No, I don't. Because I'm not a catholic person
    F- Do you believe in supernatural things? Not 100%. It depends of what is it about and the circunstances
    G- Do you believe in miracles? No I don't. I´ve never seen one.

    Candela Cassarino

    1. Candela: Very good! Check please. I (capital letter). It depends ON what It is about......

  10. A- Do you believe in love?
    B- Do you believe in friendship?
    C- Do you believe that peace is possible?
    D- Do you believe that war can be stopped?
    E- Do you believe in God?
    F- Do you believe in supernatural things?
    G- Do you believe in miracles?
    A- Yes, i believe in love because love can be between family, friends or someone important in your life, and that's when i feel love and affection
    B- Yes, because i think that is important in people life have a friend. Sometimes is like family
    C- No, i don’t think it’s possible because we all have different thoughts, and that sometimes takes conflict
    D- No, because there will always people who think different from others, or conflicts about power that can’t be resolved will always be present
    E- Yes, because i think that there is something bigger than us that created the world
    F- I don’t know because i have never seen anything, but i heard that other people have a lot of supernatural experiences
    G- Yes, because i have heard that many people share their stories, and i watched movies based on real life that it impacted me a lot

    1. Luz: Good!!! Check, please: I (capital letter).
      B.I think that IT is important for people to have a friend. Sometimes friends are part of your family.
      C- ....(takes) CREATES conflict.
      D- There will always BE people....that can´t be solved so THEY will always be present.
      G- ....that (it) had A BIG impact on me .

  11. Manuela segovia

    a) do you believe in love? Yes, I do because of the love my family shows me every day.
    b) do you believe in friendship? Yes, I do thanks my friends i understood important it is
    c) Do you believe that peace is possible? no, i don’t because fault of governments
    d) do you believe that sar can be stopped? No, i don’t because it is too difficult
    e) Do you believe in God? Yes, I do because it gives hope, i don’t believe in the church
    f) do you believe in supernatural things? Yes, i don’t because my friends experience
    g) do you believe in miracles? a) do you believe in love? Yes, I do because of the love my family shows me every day.
    b) do you believe in friendship? Yes, I do thanks my friends i understood important it is
    c) Do you believe that peace is possible? no, i don’t because fault of governments
    d) do you believe that sar can be stopped? No, i don’t because it is too difficult
    e) Do you believe in God? Yes, I do because it gives hope, i don’t believe in the church
    f) do you believe in supernatural things? Yes, i don’t because my friends experience

  12. Manuela: Good work! Check, please. b) Thanks to my friends I understood how important it is/ friendship is.
    c) No, I (capital letter) don´t because of the governments´fault.
    f) You do or you don´t? Yes, I do because of my friends´experience.
    g) Do you believe in miracles?

  13. A- Do you believe in love?
    Yes, I do. Because I feel love of my family and friends.

    B- Do you believe in friendship?
    Yes, i do. Because it help us celebrate the good times and cope with the bad times.

    C- Do you believe that peace is possible?
    Yes, i do. Because i think that is possible if we all work for it

    D- Do you believe that war can be stopped?
    No, i don´t. Because there are many interests against that.

    E- Do you believe in God?
    Yes, i do. Because i am a person of faith

    F- Do you believe in supernatural things?
    Yes, i do. Because i have experiences several supernatural situations.

    G- Do you believe in miracles?
    Yes, I do. Because i believe in God.

    Nicolas Berlik

    1. Nicolás: Good job!! Check please: I (capital letter). B) it helpS us celebrate......
      c) I think that IT is possible....
      F) I have experienceD .....

  14. A- Do you believe in love? Yes, I do. But no everybody know to give good love (no se si va el to, lo puse porque no me parecia 2 verbos juntos)
    B- Do you believe in friendship? Soso, You never finish to meet somebody
    C- Do you believe that peace is possible? No, I dont. Because it is difficult what happen to same time in the word Everybody think different and it is something very important for achieve the peace.
    D- Do you believe that war can be stopped? No, I dont. Somebody Ever has ambition for more.
    E- Do you believe in God? Soso, because God is a character of a book if you think rationally, but, the same time always is better believe to something
    F- Do you believe in supernatural things? No, I dont. Because I never happen to me.
    G- Do you believe in miracles? No, I dont. I dont have a why, only i dont believe in that.

    1. Nataly: Ok! Check, please: A) ...But not everybody knowS how to give good love.
      B) You never finish knowing someone/ You never really know someone.
      C) No, I don´t. Because there are lots of things happening at the same time all over the world. Everybody thinkS differently but it is important to make peace
      D) No, I don´t. There are ambitious people.
      E).....but AT the same time IT IS always better to believe IN something.
      F) No, I don´t. Nothing supernatural has happened to me.
      G) No, I don´t. I don´t....I just don´t believe in them

  15. name: Selene Rios
    1. Yes believe in love it can be between friends and that is when I feel longing and affection
    2.Yes, because it is important to have a friend who can be like family
    3. No, there are problems because people have different ways of thinking
    4. No, because not all problems can be solved because all people think differently
    5. Yes, because something greater exists and created the world and is a person of faith
    6. I experience supernatural situations as well as listen to other people's experiences
    7. Yes because I heard people tell their stories

    1. Selene: Good!: Check, please: 1- Yes, I believe in love. It can be.....5- Who is a person of faith?
      6- I experience supernatural situations and I also listen to...
      7- Yes, because I heard people telling........

  16. Do you believe in love?
    Yes, i do
    B- Do you believe in friendship?
    Yes, i do
    C- Do you believe that peace is possible?
    More or less
    D- Do you believe that war can be stopped?
    Yes, i do
    E- Do you believe in God?
    Yes, i do
    F- Do you believe in supernatural things?
    Yes, i do
    G- Do you believe in miracles?
    Yes, i do

    Nombre: Francis Torres

    1. Francis: OK!! Look: I (capital letter). You were expected to explain why or why not...

  17. A- Do you believe in love?
    Yes, I do, because my parents and my friends show me that every single day of my life. Also in my family we have 3 pets and they show us their love only with actions and I think that is the key, to love the other by showing it not only with words.
    B- Do you believe in friendship?
    Yes, I do, because despite having had bad experiences I have friends who shows me if the relationship is real it will always be with you.
    C- Do you believe that peace is possible?
    No, I do, but today the world has some people full of hate and this doing complicated.
    D- Do you believe that war can be stopped?
    No, I don't. It's the same example of before question
    E- Do you believe in God?
    Yes, I do. He is my light in the middle of the storm.
    F- Do you believe in supernatural things?
    Yes, I do, because I was giving some experience relation with that
    G- Do you believe in miracles?
    Yes, I do. Because i have faith in God .

    Ana Reinhardt

    1. Ana: Good!! Check, please: b) ....I have friends who shoW me that if the relationship is real they will always be with ME.
      c) No, I don´t because ....and this situation makes things get complicated
      d) ...the previous question/ the question above.
      f) because I lived some experiences related to that.
      g) I (capital letter)

  18. A-Do you believe in love?
    A: yes I do, because I love my family, my boyfriend, my dog and my friends

    B-Do you believe in friendship?
    A: Yes I do, because I have a best friend

    C-Do you believe that peace is possible?
    A: No I don´t, because humans are very ambicious

    D-Do you believe that war can be stopped?
    A: No i don´t, because the power is more important

    E-Do you believe in god?
    A: Yes I do, because I feel him

    F-Do you believe in supernatural things?
    A: Yes I do, because I see a ghost one time

    G-Do you believe in miracles?
    A: Yes I do, because I saw one

    Juliana Dávalos

  19. Juliana: Very good! Check, please. C-...ambiTious. ....D-(the) power is....F) I saw a ghost once

  20. Mariano Giudice
    A- Do you believe in love?
    Yes, i do because i have a girlfriend.
    B- Do you believe in friendship?
    Yes, i do because i have friends since we were little
    C- Do you believe that peace is possible?
    No, i don’t because not everyone can a agree
    D- Do you believe that war can be stopped?
    No, i don’t for the same reason as the previous question
    E- Do you believe in God?
    Yes, i do because i went to catholic school
    F- Do you believe in supernatural things?
    No, i don’t. I would be surprised if i see something supernatural
    G- Do you believe in miracles?
    I don’t no

  21. Ezekiel Cattaneo
    G- Do you believe in miracles?
    A) Yes, I believe in love because I demonstrate love with my family and friends.
    B) Yes, I believe in friendship because I have a lot of friends.
    C) I think that peace can be possible but now a days it´s very difficult to achieve it.
    D) No because it is impossible to be at peace all over the world.
    E) Yes, because I'm a person of faith.
    F) No, I don´t believe in supernatural things because I think that things happen for a reason.
    G) Yes, because I have faith.

  22. Ezekiel: Good job! Check, please: nowadays


  23. Luis María Ovati

    A- Do you believe in love?
    A_ Yes, I believe in love because Is necesary to live
    B- Do you believe in friendship?
    B- Yes, because is the base of relanshionship
    C- Do you believe that peace is possible?
    C- Yes, because it depend by ourself
    D- Do you believe that war can be stopped?
    D- Yes, I believe that war can be stopped because It depend by ourself too.
    E- Do you believe in God?
    E- Yes, I believe in God because He is good.
    F- Do you believe in supernatural things?
    F- It depend
    G- Do you believe in miracles?
    G- Yes, I believe in miracles because I saw someones.

    1. Luis: OK! Check, please: A_ Yes, I believe in love because IT Is necesary to live
      B- Do you believe in friendship?
      B- Yes, because IT is the base of RELATIONSHIPS (relanshionship)
      C- Do you believe that peace is possible?
      C- Yes, because it dependS ON OURSELVES ( by ourself)
      D- Do you believe that war can be stopped?
      D- Yes, I believe that war can be stopped because It dependS ON OURSELVES ( by ourself )too.
      F- Do you believe in supernatural things?
      F- It dependS
      G- Do you believe in miracles?
      G- Yes, I believe in miracles because I saw some (ones).

  24. Do you believe in love?
    Yes, i believe in love
    Do you believe in friendship?
    Yes, I believe in friendship because I have a lot friends.
    Do you believe that peace is possible?
    Yes, I believe thet peace is possible
    Do you believe that war can be stopped?
    I dont think that peace can be possible
    E- Do you believe in God?
    Yes I believe in god
    F- Do you believe in supernatural things?
    No I don’t think so
    G- Do you believe in miracles?
    Yes I believe in miracles

    1. Federico: Good! Check, please:
      Do you believe that war can be stopped?
      I (dont) DON´T think that peace can be possible

  25. Ferrari Lucca
    Do you believe in love?
    B- Do you believe in friendship?
    C- Do you believe that peace is possible?
    D- Do you believe that war can be stopped?
    E- Do you believe in God?
    F- Do you believe in supernatural things?
    G- Do you believe in miracles?

    a-Yes, i believe in love
    b-yes, I believe in frindship bescouse I have a friends
    c-No, I don't believe de peace is possible
    d-No, the wars will never ends
    e-No, I not believe in god, but I have a Higher Power
    f-No, I don't believe in supernatural things
    g- No. I don't

  26. Lucca: OK! Check, please: I (capital letter), b-friendship, I have friends. I have a friend. .....c-I don´t believe THAT peace ......d) wars will never end, e) No, I DON´T believe....
