Friday, March 1, 2013

Pardon me? Did you say....?

1-What did the guy understand?
2- Take a look at these examples
a) A-Bit cold! 
    B-Did you say Bill called?
b) A-I have a terrible back pain. 
    B- Maybe you should take Aleve (painkiller)
    A-Oh, come on! You know I can´t take a leave (some days off)
3- Could you think of any other examples?


  1. 1-What did the guy understand?
    I think he understand, Do you want the cancer?

    2- Take a look at these examples
    a) A-Bit cold!
    B-Did you say Bill called?
    b) A-I have a terrible back pain.
    B- Maybe you should take Aleve (painkiller)
    A-Oh, come on! You know I can´t take a leave (some days off)

    3- Could you think of any other examples?

    A a) What? No way
    b) Matt? You loose weight

    Sorry I can't think of other It's difficult! haha

    Macarena Seisdedos LU 1029889

  2. Macarena,
    Good. *****
    ...he understood....
    LOSE weight
    I can´t think of otherS.
    I couldn´t understand your examples. Could you please include more info.?

  3. 1-The guy understood: Do you want the cancer? instead of Do you want the can, Sir?
    3- Would you like the super salad? instead of Would you like soup or salad?
    Have you ever sin in church? instead of Have you ever sing in church?
    Maxi Odiz - Lunes turno mañana

  4. Maxi,
    Well done!*****
    I would say: Do you sin at church? Do you sing at church? . because when you ask Have you ever should say Have you ever sung at church? and there´s no misunderstanding, then.

  5. 1-I think that he understood if he wanted to a cancer instead of a can Sir.
    a-Please, don´t lighter your mother. Instead of please, don´t lie to your mother.
    b-What is the waiter go? Instead of what is the way to go?
    c-Do you think that i dont have to know how old is she? Because Alaska. Instead of do you think that i dont have to know how old is she? Because I´ll ask her.

    Trinidad Hunt

    1. Trinidad,
      Good job!but....*****
      ..if he wanted A...
      What´s the meaning of "lighter"?
      what is the waiter to go? (no meaning)
      I understand we assume people misunderstand the message but the first sentence doesn´t make any sense.
      ...I (capital letter) old she is...
      Same thing here...Because Alaska doesn´t make any sense.

  6. The guy understood do you want the cancer?
    but the girl said: do you want the can, Sir?

    Gimme a kiss please
    Gimme a keys please

    magali davila 1012647 monday morning

  7. 1- George Clooney understood: "Do you want the Cancer?"

    A: Can i have your number, please?
    B: sure, it's 15-..
    A: oh no!.. i meant your room number

    A: Do you watch the movie "The Thing"?
    B: witch Thing?
    A: I meant the movie that's caled "The Thing"

    1. Gonzalo,
      I (capital letter)
      Have you watched......
      You are not showing examples related to pronunciation...

  8. Nicolás Guillén 1026466 Monday Morning

    1- What did the guy understand?
    That guy understood "Do you want a cancer?". But the woman said correctly "Do you want a can, sir?"

    3- Could you think of any other examples?
    -"This is curly hear"
    -"Where? Here?"
    -"No, MY hear is curly"
    (hear - here) I tried my best!

    1. Nicolás,
      Look at this curly HAIR /jear/
      Can you hear me?
      Yes, Here! hear = here /jiar/
