Sunday, October 21, 2012

The mum song (B.E) /The mom song (A.E)


1- Have you ever heard any of these phrases? If so, could you write them down?
2- What´s your favorite phrase? Which one do you hate the most?
3- Do you think mums/moms are all alike all over the world? Why? Why not?
4- How can you explain these phrases are repeated by mums/moms from different parts of the world?


  1. 1- Have you ever heard any of these phrases? If so, could you write them down?
    Yes, i have. Probably I could write all of them but the most heard is "Eat your breakfast, experts tell us it's the most important meal of all" and "answer your phone".

    2- What´s your favorite phrase? Which one do you hate the most?
    My favorite phrase is "it must be your father's DNA" hahaha so nice, all said that. Then, the one I do hate the most is "you'll appreciate my wisdom someday when you're older". It's true but mums don't have to say it all the time.

    3- Do you think mums/moms are all alike all over the world? Why? Why not?
    Yes, surely not the same in all respects but there are certain things that I think all moms share by the fact of being mothers.

    4- How can you explain these phrases are repeated by mums/moms from different parts of the world?
    Because in some point, we all do the same things or make same mistakes so mothers in a way of help us say some phrases that, at the end, are used by all of them. We are humans, we all share some aspects of life no matter where you are.


    1. M.Florencia,
      Very good work!!!*****

      Yes, I have.

      2- all MOTHERS saY that.

      4- Because AT some point, we all do the same things or make THE same mistakes so mothers in a way help us BY sayING some phrases that, IN the end, are used by all of them. We are human BEINGS, .....

  2. 1- Have you ever heard any of these phrases? If so, could you write them down?
    Yes, I have heard a lot of those phrases. For example, “get up now, get up out of bed”, “Eat your breakfast.The experts tell us it’s the most important meal of all”, “Be careful”, “Clean your room”, “Where you going and with whom and what time do you think you’re coming home?” and “Stand up straighter when you walk”.

    2- What´s your favorite phrase? Which one do you hate the most?
    My favorite phrase is “Saying thank you, please, excuse me”, people should learn it from childhood. On the other hand, I hate hear “get up now, get up out of bed” when I am tired and I want to continue sleeping.

    3- Do you think mums/moms are all alike all over the world? Why? Why not?
    No, I don't. I think all moms seek to protect and care for their children, but each one is different and does it in its own way.

    4- How can you explain these phrases are repeated by mums/moms from different parts of the world?
    Those phrases are repeated in different parts of the world because all moms seek to educate, protect and care for their children.

    Antonella Aste
    LU: 1029946
    Friday morning 705

    1. Antonella,
      2- On the other hand, I hate hearING /LISTENING TO

      3- but each one is different and does it in HER own way.

  3. 1-If I heard many of these phrases.
    Perhaps the most heard are:
    -Get up out of bed
    -Eat your breakfast, experts tell us it's the most important meal of all
    -Don’t forget I love you

    2-My favorite phrase is:
    - “Don’t forget I love you”.
    I hated phrase is:
    -“If al your friends jumped of a cliff would you jump too”.

    3- I believe that mothers are the same all over the world because the love of a mother to a child is the same everywhere and all the things we say are to care for and do us good.

    4- As I said in the previous question phrases are repeated because all mothers want the best for their children, take care and be well.

    Friday morning 705
    Tomás Raber

  4. Tomás,
    Good work!*****
    1-Yes, I heard many of these phrases.

    2-My favorite phrase is:

    I hate THIS phrase

    3-.... and all the things THEY say are to care for /TAKE CARE OF and do (us ) THEIR KIDS good.

  5. 1-I heard some of this phrases for example : “Don’t forget I love you” “Clean your room” Where you going and with whom and what time do you think you’re coming home? “ , I heard this phrases in my house always.
    2- My favourite phrase is : Don’t forget I love you
    I hate the phrase : Clean you room
    3- I think that moms are all the same all over the World , because the mothers want to protect your child and want the best por their.
    4- The phrases are repeted beacause all mothers think the same , and try tu educate your child.

    Tomas Davila
    Aula: 605
    Turno: Monday in the morning

    1. Tomás,
      Very good work!!!*****
      1-Where ARE you going and with whom I HAVE ALWAYS heard thESE phrases in my house/ AT HOME

      3- .... because (the) mothers want to protect (your ) THEIR childREN and want theIR best (por their.)
      4- The phrases are repeAted beacause all mothers think the same , and try tu educate (your ) THEIR childREN

  6. 1- Have you ever heard any of these phrases? If so, could you write them down?
    yes, i think i have heard most of it. some of the are:
    Clean your room
    Eat your breakfast, experts tell us it's the most important meal of all
    Don’t forget I love you
    answer your phone
    2- What´s your favorite phrase? Which one do you hate the most?
    i am not sure if i have a favorite one, but it make funny this one: “If al your friends jumped of a cliff would you jump too”.
    i dont know if what i feel is hate, but this phrase makes me sick:"you'll appreciate my wisdom someday when you're older", im sure its true, but i dont want to hear what is the correct thing to do at that moment!
    3- Do you think mums/moms are all alike all over the world? Why? Why not?
    i believe that in a common way they should be all the same, but also dependig in the different cultures, they will differ.
    4- How can you explain these phrases are repeated by mums/moms from different parts of the world?
    i think it is because all the mums arround the world have a common factor, they all have children and sons have a similar behavior.

    Garino Julian
    LU 1027422
    aula 605
    turno lunes mañana

    1. Julían,
      -1- yes, I think I have heard most of THEM. some of theM are:
      2- I .... but THIS ONE IS FUNNY:
      I don´t know if what I....(I CAPITAL LETTER) I´M sure IT´S true, but I don´t want to hear what the correct thing to do at that moment IS!
      3- I believe that in a common way they should be all the same, but IT WILL also DEPEND ON the different cultures SO they MIGHT differ.
      4-...... they all have children and sons WHO have a similar behavior.

  7. 1 - Have you ever heard any of these phrases? If so, could you write them now?

    Yes, I have. I´ve heard phrases like: “make your be, do it now”, “here are you going? And with whom?”, “I don´t care who started”.

    2 - What´s your favorite phrase? Which one do you hate the most?

    My favorite phrase is “don’t forget I love you”. The phrase I hate is “I don´t care who started”.

    3 - Do you think mums/moms are all alike all over the world? Why? Why not?

    Yes, I do. Because I think that a mother´s love can´t compared with anything. That love is very special, only from mother to child. Mothers are always thinking of their children.

    4 - How can you explain these phrases are repeated by mums/moms from different parts of the world?

    I can explain that saying mothers always think in their children. They Try to help them learn from their mistakes.

    1. What´s your name?
      1 Yes, I have. I´ve heard phrases like: “make your beD, “Where are you going?
      3 - Yes, I do. Because I think that a mother´s love can´t BE compared with anything.
      4 - I can explain that saying mothers always think OF their children.

  8. 1 - ¿Alguna vez has escuchado alguna de estas frases? Si es así, ¿podría escribir? Oh yes! From my childhood! I listen several of these as "eat your breakfast" "be careful" "come back here" "make your bed", you name it.
    2 - ¿Cuál es tu frase favorita? ¿Cuál te odio más? My favorite phrase is "If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you jump too?" because my mother used different phrases like that style and I remind me of my childhood. But the phrase I hate most is "Look at me when I'm talking" because I remember when I was angry and my mother repeated this phrase while ignoring her.
    3 - ¿Cree usted que las madres / madres son iguales en todo el mundo? ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué no? Of course not, because everybody have different cultures and other thoughts and opinions. Each mother cares and breeds your son as can.
    4 - ¿Cómo se puede explicar estas frases son repetidas por las madres / madres de diferentes partes del mundo? Because the children are naughty and your mothers want the best for them.

    Ivana Serafini

    1. Ivana,
      Good work!!!*****
      1 - Oh yes! DURING my childhood! I listenED TO....
      2 - (style) and IT remindS me of my childhood. But the phrase I hate most is "Look at me when I'm talking" because I remember THAT when I was angry (and) my mother repeated this phrase (while ignoring her.)BECAUSE I IGNORED HER
      3 - Of course not, because everybody haS different cultures and other thoughts and opinions. Each mother cares and BRING UP THEIR KIDS/CHILDREN as THEY can.
      4 - Because (the) children are naughty and (your ) THEIR mothers want theIR best for them.

  9. 1- Have you ever heard any of these phrases? If so, could you write them down?

    Yes, I have heard some of these phrases in my life. Some of them are:
    Get up now, Get up out of bed, get up and make your bed, answer the phone, Can you even hear a word I say?, What time do you think you are coming home?, Look at me when I am talking, and more.

    2- What´s your favorite phrase? Which one do you hate the most?

    The best phrase is “if all your friends jumped off a cliff would you jump too?”. It is funny and true because the mothers always think and say that. But my favorite is “don´t forget I love you” because is nice and true too because the mothers will always love no matter what we do. The phrase I hate is “What time do you think you are coming home?”.

    3- Do you think mums/moms are all alike all over the world? Why? Why not?

    Yes, I think that the mothers are the same all over the world because all of them want to care and protect us. They love us and in all of places is the same feel.

    4- How can you explain these phrases are repeated by mums/moms from different parts of the world?

    The phrases are repeated because the mothers don´t want that you forget any of these and they want we do all of them too.

    Lucila Radrizzani
    English 1C
    Friday morning, 705


    1. Lucila,
      Very good work!!!*****
      Take a look:

      2- ....because (the ) mothers always think and say that. ...... because IT is nice and true too because (the) mothers will always love THEIR KIDS no matter what (we ) THEY do.

      3- Yes, I think that (the) mothers are the same all over the world because all of them want to TAKE care OF and protect us. They love us and in all (of) THE places (is the same feel.)THE FEELING IS THE SAME.

      4- TheSE phrases are repeated because (the) mothers don´t want (you) THEIR CHILDREN TO forget any of these COMMENTS and they want THEM TO do (all of them) WHAT EACH PHRASE REPRESENTS too.

  10. 1- Have you ever heard any of these phrases? If so, could you write them down?

    Yes, I have heard some of those phrases. For example "Eat your breakfast.The experts tell us it’s the most important meal of all", "Be careful" and "Clean your room".

    2- What´s your favorite phrase? Which one do you hate the most?

    My favourite phrase is "Don’t forget I love you", and I hate this phrase: "get up now, get up out of bed"

    3- Do you think mums/moms are all alike all over the world? Why? Why not?

    I think that mothers are similar around the world because they want the best for their children.

    4- How can you explain these phrases are repeated by mums/moms from different parts of the world?

    I can explain that saying mothers want the best for their children, caring for them and giving them everything that they can.

    Daniela Lordi (1026581)
    English 1C
    Friday morning, 705


    1. Daniela,
      Good work!!!!*****

      3- ....because they want theIR best for their children.

      4- How can you explain these phrases are repeated by mums/moms from different parts of the world?

      I can explain that BY saying mothers want theIR best for their children, LOOKING AFTER them and giving them AS MUCH AS they can.


  11. 1- Have you ever heard any of these phrases? If so, could you write them down? Yes I have. Put your stuff away; Share your stuff; Practice your piano lesson; etc..
    2- What´s your favorite phrase? Which one do you hate the most? Where you born in a barn; Don't be late to your piano lesson.
    3- Do you think mums/moms are all alike all over the world? Why? Why not? Yes because they all share the same love towards their kids.
    4- How can you explain these phrases are repeated by mums/moms from different parts of the world? because they are the basic tasks children avoid doing all over the world

    Remi marin
    Friday morning 1C

    1. Remi,
      Well done *****
      2- WEre you born in a barn; Don't be late FOR your piano lesson.

  12. Put your stuff away; Share your stuff.

    Don’t forget I love you- “if all your friends jumped off a cliff would you jump too?

    mothers are similar around the world because they want the best for their children.

    I can explain that saying mothers always think in their children. They Try to help them learn from their mistakes

    Viernes mañana

    1. Jazmín,
      Very good work!*****
      ... because they want theIR best for their children.
      ..... mothers always think (in) OF their children.

  13. 1- Have you ever heard any of these phrases? If so, could you write them down?
    Yes i have listened many times some of this phrases, for example: "don´t forget you gotta feed the cat/dog" "Get up and make your bed" "Answer the phone"

    2- What´s your favorite phrase? Which one do you hate the most?
    The only phrase i like is: "play outside" and I hate when my mother say me: "please remember the orthodontist"

    3- Do you think mums/moms are all alike all over the world? Why? Why not?
    I think that not all mums are alike, because my mother isn´t like the mother at the video.

    4- How can you explain these phrases are repeated by mums/moms from different parts of the world?
    Every mother takes care of their child because they only want them to be safe in every moment.

    Martín Matta
    LU 1026524
    Friday morning 1C

    1. Martín,
      Good work!!!!*****
      1-Yes, I have listened TO some of THESE phrases MANY TIMES,
      2- The only phrase I like is: "play outside" and I hate when my mother TELLS me: "please remember the orthodontist"

      3-... because my mother isn´t like the mother IN the video.

      4- AT every moment.

  14. 1- Have you ever heard any of these phrases? If so, could you write them down?

    Yes! I have heard these phrases a lot of times. I could write all the phrases here, but, the top five are: "where are you going? And with whom?", "Clean your room", “get up now, get up out of bed”,"Don’t forget I love you", "answer your phone"

    2- What´s your favorite phrase? Which one do you hate the most?

    My fovourite phrase is "Don`t forgen I love you" and the worst is "clean your room"

    3- Do you think mums/moms are all alike all over the world? Why? Why not?

    Yes, because when I talk with someone about mothers I discover thal all the mothers are similar.

    4- How can you explain these phrases are repeated by mums/moms from different parts of the world?

    Because, As the mothers are similar, the sons are similar too.

    Sacha Urquiza
    Friday Morning

    1. Sacha,
      Well done!!*****
      2- My fAvourite phrase is "Don`t forgeT I love you"
      3- Yes, because when I talk with someone about mothers I discover/NOTICE thaT all (the)mothers are similar / ALIKE.....
      4- Because, As (the) mothers are similar/ALIKE, (the sons) THEIR CHILDREN /KIDS are similar too.

  15. 1- Yes, I have. And some of them I still do. There is nothing to write down, it would be easier to write the ones I have not heard.
    2- My favourite phrase is "Sit straight" and I really hate the just "because".
    3- Yes, it is like a stereotype. Just because.
    4- Culture, once upon a time the first mum did it and ruined our lifes for ever.

    Montanaro Nicolás
    Fryday Morning
    Classroom 705

  16. Nicolás,
    Very good work!!!!*****
    4- Culture. Once upon a time the first mum did it and ruined our liVes for ever. DO YOU REALLY THINK SO?!!!

  17. 1- All of them, except the one about the ears.
    2- My favorite is "Do you live in a barn, and the one I hate the most is "What time are you coming home".
    3- I think yes, all they want is to educate their children and help them become the best versión of themselves.
    4- Because all this phrases are use for educating their children, which is every mother's duty.

    Sebastian Degrossi
    Monday morning
    Classroom 614

    1. Sebastián,
      Well done!*****
      my favorite ONE....
      all THESE phrases are useD to educate ....

  18. 1) Yes I heard a lot. For example:
    Get up now, Get up out of bed.
    Eat your breakfast, it´s the most important meal of all
    Can you even hear a word I say?
    No more computer time tonight
    I don’t care who started
    2) I don’t have one favorite phrase and I hate all but the most I hate is: If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you jumped too?
    3) Yes I do. I think that maybe they have a book or something like that so they read it and they learn to be a mother and how to irritate their children.
    4) I mention it on the previous answer. I think they have all the same book .

    Antonella Alvarenga
    Fridays Morning

  19. Antonella,
    Very good!*****
    Yes, I´ve heard a lot of them
    I hate all of THEM
    the one I hate the most is....
    would you jumP too?
    I´ve mentioned it......I think they all have......
