Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thank you!!!

1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?

4- Let´s practise question asking

a- Wh question  ("Verb to be")
b- Yes, No question ("Possession" have)
c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can)
d- Wh question (S. Past)
e- Wh question (Habitual actions- S. Present)
f- Yes, No queston (Future acton)
g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous)
h- Yes, No question (like)



  1. 1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    This song has a positive message because she wants to say “Thank you” to her lover for giving her the best day of her life.

    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    Her tea went cold. She got out of her bed alone and it was raining. Besides, she had drunk too much the night before. She realized that she had bills to pay. She also missed the bus and was late for work again. When she arrived home she was completely soaking.

    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    No, she is not worried because when she sees the picture of her lover on her wall, it reminds her that it's not so bad. When he is near her, she feels alright.

    1. Magali,
      Excellent work!*****
      She was soaking THROUGH

  2. María Eugenia Ríos Abedat. Mondays morning classJune 17, 2012 at 5:32 PM

    1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?

    I think this is a positive song. Even thought a lot of bad things happened to her, she still believing that this is a good day because he is with her.

    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her

    She started the day with her left feet, her tea got cold. Then, she remembered that she drank too much the night before and that’s because she had a headache. She had bills to pay, she missed the bus and arrived late into work. At the end of the day, she arrived at home soaking but he gave a tower a then everything was right.

    3-Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?

    In the song, she wasn’t sad because she was with him and the rest of the things didn’t matter to her

    1. M.Eugenia,
      Very good!*****
      Even thougH....she still believES....
      wrong foot...she had drunk too much....that´s why...late for work. She arrived home...he gave her a towel and .....

  3. 1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    I think that it is a positive song, because she is saying thanks to his boyfriend, even when she has a horrible day.
    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    She dranks to much last night.
    She lost her bus.
    Her tea was cold.
    She was late at her work

    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?

    No, she isn’t worried because she is in love and she thinks that this day is the best day for her.

    Nicolas Cheble (LU: 1020322) Ingles lunes, turno mañana.

    1. Nicolás,
      Very good!*****
      she dranK too much
      late for...

  4. 1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    I think that it is a positive song, because in spite of a bad day, she is grateful to her boyfriend for what he did for her
    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    .she drank a lot last night before and for this she had a headache
    .her tea was cold
    .She miss the bus and she arrived late for work

    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?

    she does not care about her bad day, because she is happy and in love, the rest does not matter for her.

    Miguel Ferrari LU: 1019187 Turno: Lunes, mañana

    1. Miguel,
      Very good!*****
      she missED...
      it doesn´t matter to her

  5. 1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    Is a positive song because she is tell a boy thanks you of all.
    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    Her tea gone cold
    The morning rain clouds up her window and she can´t see all
    She drank a lot last night
    She miss the bus
    She arrived late for work again

    3- Is she worried about those negative things?

    She isn´t worried about these things because she have the best day of her life

    Amatilli fabrizio L.U: 132655 Turno: Lunes mañana

    1. Fabrizio,
      IT...she is thanking her boyfriend.
      her tea has gone....
      she missED....
      she has had the best....

  6. 1-How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    I woud definitely rate this song as positive because she says that things are not so bad, despite all the negative situations that she describes.

    2-Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her.
    -My tea’s gone cold.
    -The morning rain clouds up my window and I can’t see at all and even if I could it’d all be grey.
    -I drank too much last night, got bills to pay, my head just feels in pain.
    -I missed the bus and there’ll be hell today, I’m late for work again.
    -I’m home at last and I’m soaking through and through.

    3-Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    No, she’s not worry about these things because despite all the negative things that happened to her she still have the person she loves next to her so the rest of things don’t really matter.

    Agostina Volpi.
    L.U.: 131917
    Nivel C, Lunes, turno Mañana.

    1. Agostina,
      Very good!!!*****
      she still has....

  7. Facundo Ferro

    1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    It is a positive song, because she tries to thank him for all the things that he do for she.

    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her

    -She arrived late for work
    -She drank a lot
    -She had bill to pay
    -The tea was cold
    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?

    She wasn´t very worried about the problem that she had because she was happy about all the moments that she shared with her boyfriend

  8. Sofia Ettori LU: 1027843

    1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    I would rate this song as positive due to the fact that the woman does not matter that it is a cloudy day, or that she is late for work again; she only thinks about how grateful it is to be with her boyfriend and how he makes every day the best day of her life.

    2-Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    First of all, her tea was cold, it was raining outside and, what is more, she drank too much the previous night so she had a headache. Then, she got bills to pay and missed the bus in her way to work again. Finally, her house was falling down and she was soaking.

    3-Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    She is not worried about those negative things at all because she always reminds him and concludes that anything is so bad when he is near.

    1. Sofía,
      she doesn´t care about ...
      how grateful she is...
      she had drunk....
      on her way....
      she remembers him...
      that nothing is ....

  9. 1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?

    1- It is a positive song because she wants to say "Thank you" to her boyfriend because everything is good when they are together.
    2- Her te gone cold, she missed the bus, she arrived late to work, she drank too much the night before, she has bills to pay
    3-No, she is not worried. Because when she is with her boyfriend she has the bests days

    1. Mariano,
      Good job!*****
      her tea has gone cold
      late for work
      she had drunk....
      ...the besT days

  10. Andrés Gori LU:1026674

    1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    From my point of view since the begining it seems to be a sad and negative song, but then it changes. Although the girl has a lot of problems, she doesn´t mind at all, she realises that´s not so bad. She is happy because she has someone to trust in, and this person makes her forget all the bad things she has to face.

    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    1. Her tea went cold.
    2. It was raining and she was still in bed.
    3. She drank too much the night before.
    4. She got bills to pay.
    5. She seems to be confused.
    6. She missed the bus, and she was late for work.
    7. She returned home soaking through.

    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    No, she is not worried about her problems. Because someone makes her happy. She forget about everything because of that person. She is in love with that person, and she can see life positively.

    1. Andrés,
      Very good work!*****
      at the beginning...
      trust (in)
      she had drunk....
      she seemed to be....
      she forgetS

  11. 1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    Positive, because she is saying that even though a lot of bad things happen to her she has someone (possibly her boyfriend) that makes everything better for her, so it's positive.
    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    Her tea's gone cold, She's in bed all alone,The morning rain clouds up her window and she can't see outside.She drank too much, and she has a lot of bills to pay, she missed the bus and she is late for work, and people imply that they might fire her.
    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    No, she is not worried about things because she knows that even though everything is going wrong and her day is terrible, He is always going to be there fore her, to help her through everything, so "its not so bad".


  12. 1) I think that the song's message is possitive because instead all the bad things that happened to her but she forgot everything with her lover.
    2) her tea gone cold, she had bills to pay, she missed the bus, she was late for work, she arrived at home soaking.
    3) she isn't worried about those negative things because she know that seh has her love who is going to be there for her.

    Agustina Bloise

    1. Agustina,
      Good!***** spite of all....she forgot about everything because of....
      her tea has gone.....
      she arrived home...
      she knowS..

  13. Federico Rogido RamosJune 26, 2012 at 9:54 PM

    1- I would rate this song positive, because the girl, in spite of the bad thing that happen to her, thinks that her boyfriend makes it easier.
    2- It was a mess from the beggining of the day. Her tea got cold and when she saw through the window it was raining. She also drank too much last night, so her head felt in pain. She missed the bus and was late for work again. And finally, when arrived home, she was completely soaking.
    3- It seems to me that she is not worried about bad things, as long as her lover be always with her.

    Federico Rogido Ramos LU:1019540

    1. Federico,
      Very good!*****
      when she arrived home always....

  14. 1.- Positive , It's a nice love song.
    2.- When she has got bills to pay, When she missed the bus and she will be late for work again and when she is soaking through.
    3.- No she doesn't because she has the person who loves her and that is the most important thing to her.

    Brando H Y N

  15. I think this is a positive song because regardless of the bad things that happend to her, she saw the positive side. I think that she is not that worried about the negative things that happened to her because she has her man waiting for her at home.
    She went to work, missed the bus, and it rained over her.

    Remi Marin
    Friday morning 1C

    1. 1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? POSITIVE Why? WITH LOVE FOR ALL YOU CAN .
      2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her : SHE LOST THE BUS , HER TEA GOT COLD , SHE HAS HEADACHES !

      Nose como hacer la ultima profe ! Florencia arias 5to 2da bachiller (:

  16. 1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?

    Positive, please! Love is incredibly positive. And the song is very nice, instruments sound good and friendly.

    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her

    Her tea got cold.
    She drunk too much.
    Got bills to pay.
    Miss her bus, so she will be late to work.

    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    No she isn´t, because she is in love :)

    Tomás Azzola
    Friday morning
    Level C

    1. Tomás,
      she had drunk too much the night before
      she missed her bus
      late for work

  17. 1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    Is a positive and beautiful song because she values his love despite all the things that can happen.

    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    Her tea got cold
    She have hangover
    She had to pay her bills
    She had headache
    She miss her bus.

    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    She realizes the bad things that are happening but doesnt matter because she is in love.

    1. Natasha,
      It is a.....
      her tea has gone...
      she HAS....
      she had A headache
      she missED....
      she knows that a lot of bad things are happening to her but she doesn´t care....

  18. 1. I rate this song positive, because she minimizes problems.
    2. –Her tea was cold.
    -She had bills to pay
    -She missed the bus.
    - She was late to work
    -She was soaking.
    3. No, she is not worried because she is in love and because she has the best day of her life.

    Flavia Bresciani

  19. Flavia,
    Good job!*****
    ...late for work
    and (because)...

  20. 1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    - I would rate this song as positive because it talks about a special person for her. She talks about her problems but that person makes her life happy
    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    - Her tea’s gone cold
    - She drank too much last night, so her head felt in pain
    - She missed the bus and she is late for work
    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    - No, she isn’t worried because there is a person who makes her days the best of her life and helps her with her problems
    4- Let´s practise question asking

    a- Wh question  ("Verb to be")
    - Why are you so happy with that special person?
    b- Yes, No question ("Possession" have)
    - Do you have the best day of your life?
    c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can)
    - Can you sing or dance?
    d- Wh question (S. Past)
    - What did you yesterday?
    e- Wh question (Habitual actions- S. Present)
    - Why do you usually have bad days?
    f- Yes, No queston (Future acton)
    - Will you drink too much tomorrow?
    g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous)
    - Are you having the best or worst day right now?
    h- Yes, No question (like)
    - Do you like your work?

    1. Luz: Super! Check, please:
      1- .... because it (talks ) IS about a special person for her.
      4- Let´s practise question asking
      d- Wh question (S. Past)
      - What did you DO yesterday?
      h- Yes, No question (like)
      - Do you like your (work) JOB?

  21. manuela segovia
    1) how would you rate this song?: positive or negative? Why?
    This song has a positive message because it talks about how been love by someone can make your day better.
    2) Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her.
    her tea went cold, her head just feels in pain, she missed the bus, she is late for work.
    3) Is she worried about those negative things? why? Why not?
    She isn-t worried about negative things because she only cares about the person who she is singing too.
    How are you?
    Do you have a bad day sometimes?
    Can you leave work early?
    How did you feel yesterday?
    Why are you usually late for work?
    Will you go to work tomorrow?
    Are you feeling good right now?
    Do you like to drink too much?

    1. Manuela: Very good! Check, please:
      1) how would you rate this song?: positive or negative? Why?
      This song has a positive message because it t(alks) IS about how (been) BEING IN love (by) WITH someone can make your day better.
      4-Do you EVER have a bad day? ( sometimes?)


    1-The song is negative, because it is about a woman that has a bad day or She sees all negative, but only he is happy went stay with him.
    She lates for work
    She misses the bus
    Her tea is cold
    She has pain head
    She is soaking through for the rain
    3- I dont understan why she is worried about those negative thing, maybe She only is worried because she doesnt see to him
    Wha’s your name?
    Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend?
    Can you skip your job or work from your house?
    Why did you miss the bus?
    What time do you go to work?
    Will you drink tomorrow?
    Do you like to paint?

    1. Nataly: Good! Check, please: 1-..... but (only he) SHE is ONLY happy (went stay ) WHEN SHE STAYS with him.
      She IS late (s ) for work
      She has pain IN HER head
      She is soaking through for the rain
      3- I (dont understan ) DON´T UNDERSTAND why she is worried about those negative thingS, maybe She IS only (is) worried because she (doesnt see to him) DOESN´T SEE HIM.
      WhaT’s your name?

  23. Name: Francis Torres

    1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    The Song is negative because she talks who misses a person and has debts to pay
    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    - Debts to pay
    -Who misses someone
    -She drinks a lot of alcohol
    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    she is worried and try to solve it
    4- Let´s practise question asking

    a- Wh question ("Verb to be")
    Are you whatch tv?
    b- Yes, No question ("Possession" have)
    Have you brothers?
    c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can)
    Can you train to the gym or the park?
    d- Wh question (S. Past)
    What was you favorite pet?
    e- Wh question (Habitual actions- S. Present)
    Why do you get up 7 A.M?
    f- Yes, No queston (Future acton)
    Will you listen to music?
    g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous)
    What are you watching tv or watching films?
    h- Yes, No question (like)
    Do you like trap music?

    1. Francis: Good-! Check,please: How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
      The Song is negative because she (talks who) misses a person and has debts to pay
      2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
      - SHE HAS Debts to pay
      -(Who) SHE misses someone
      -She drinks a lot of alcohol
      3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
      she is worried and (try) TRIES to solve ( it) THEM
      4- Let´s practise question asking
      a- Wh question ("Verb to be")
      (Are you whatch tv?) ARE YOU HAPPY?
      b- Yes, No question ("Possession" have)
      Have you GOT ANY brothers? DO YOU HAVE.....?
      c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can)
      Can you train (to) IN the gym or IN the park?
      d- Wh question Past. What was your favorite pet WHEN YOU WERE A KID?
      g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous)
      (What) are you watching tv or watching films?


  24. 1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    This song it's positive because is about love.
    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    Her tea is cold and the rain clouds up her window (i think it's a reference about her feelings, i think she's crying). She has bills to pay and her head feels pain because she drank to much. She missed the bus and was late for her work. Everyone judges her.

    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    I don't know if she is worried or not, but that it's not important because her heart is with this person who makes her days better.
    4- Let´s practise question asking

    a- Wh question ("Verb to be")
    What is your favorite moment of the day?
    b- Yes, No question ("Possession" have)
    Do you have a boyfriend?
    c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can)
    Can you play the guitar?
    d- Wh question (S. Past)
    Whay were you go later for your job?
    e- Wh question (Habitual actions- S. Present)
    What time do you get up?
    f- Yes, No queston (Future acton)
    Where are you go on next weekend?
    g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous)
    Do you want tea or coffee?
    h- Yes, No question (like)
    Do you like ice cream?

  25. Sorry teacher i forgot to write my name in the
    previous coment. I'm Ana.

    1. Ana: Good!! Check, please: 1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
      This song (it's) IS positive because IT is about love.
      4- Let´s practise question asking
      c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can)
      Can you play the guitar? OR......? (OPTIONAL)
      d- Wh question (S. Past)
      (Whay were you go later for your job?) WHY WERE YOU LATE FOR WORK? WHY DID YOU GO LATE ....?

      f- Yes, No queston (Future acton)
      Where (are ) WILL you go (on) next weekend?
      g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous)
      Do you want tea or coffee? (SIMPLE PRESENT)

  26. Mariano Giudice 1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    This song is negative, because it talks about negative things.
    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    She talks about getting drunk, paying bills, getting up late, arrive late to work.
    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    No because she says it is no so bad
    4- Let´s practise question asking
    a- Wh question ("Verb to be”)
    What is your name?
    b- Yes, No question ("Possession" have)
    Do you have a job?
    c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can)
    Can you play tenis?
    d- Wh question (S. Past)
    Where did you go yesterday?
    e- Wh question (Habitual actions- S. Present)
    What time do you usually get up?
    f- Yes, No queston (Future acton)
    Will you go to work tomorrow?
    g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous)
    What are you doing rigth now?
    h- Yes, No question (like)
    Do you like to work?

  27. Mariano: Very good! 1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    This song is negative, because it (talks) IS about negative things.
    2- ....arrivING late (to) FOR work.
    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    No, because she says it is noT so bad
    4- Let´s practise question asking
    c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can)
    Can you play tenis OR........?
    g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous)
    What are you doing rigth now? OPTIONAL (ARE YOU GOING TO WORK BY BUS OR BY CAR)

  28. Nicolas Berlik

    1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    I would say the song is positive because she talks about hard times but the song is mostly about being thankful. She is happy that someone help her during her problems.

    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    She says she feels lost and alone. She talks about having a hard time with her feelings and being sad.

    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    She ´s not really worried. She talks about her problems, but the song is more about thanking someone for helping her. She seems more thankful than worried.

    4- Let´s practise question asking

    a- Wh question ("Verb to be")
    Where is she in the song?
    b- Yes, No question ("Possession" have)
    Does she have someone to help her?
    c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can)
    Can she find a way out of her struggles or not?

    d- Wh question (S. Past)
    What did she feel before receiving help?

    e- Wh question (Habitual actions- S. Present)
    What does she usually do when she´s feeling lost?

    f- Yes, No queston (Future acton)
    Will she continue to be thankful for the support?

    g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous)
    Is she thanking someone right now or remembering the past?

    h- Yes, No question (like)
    Does she like feeling supported in difficult times?

    1. Nicolás: Very good!!! Check, please:
      She is happy that someone helpS her (during her) WHEN SHE HAS problems.

  29. Selene Rios
    1. I don't know the sort song because this is partly positive because she wants to say thank you to her lover for giving her the best day of her life. On the other hand it is negative because things happened to her that day
    2. She got cold tea, had too much to drink the night before, had bills to pay, missed the bus and was late for work
    3. When she looks at her lover's picture or when he is with her she feels that everything is fine good

  30. Selene: Well done! Check, please: 1. I don't know the sort song ??????
    3. ......everything is fine /good
    What about N° 4?

  31. 1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    This song is positive. She can have the baddest day but she has someone that makes her feel good. She is very thankful to this person.
    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    Her tea's gone cold. It is a rainy day. She drank too much last night. She has bills to pay. Her head feels in pain. She missed the bus so she is going to be late for work. She arrives at home soaking.
    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    She is worried, but when she sees this person she knows that everything is going to be alright.
    4- Let´s practise question asking
    a- Wh question ("Verb to be")
    Where are you from?
    b- Yes, No question ("Possession" have)
    Do you have a best friend?
    c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can)
    Can you do exercise or cooking when you are sad?
    d- Wh question (S. Past)
    What did you do last night?
    e- Wh question (Habitual actions- S. Present)
    What do you do when you are sad?
    f- Yes, No queston (Future acton)
    Will you change your work?
    g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous)
    Are you going to sleep now?
    h- Yes, No question (like)
    Do you like to watch TV when you are sad?

    Candela Cassarino

    1. Candela: Very good!! 1- She can have the baddest (SLANG) / WORST day .......
      4- f- Yes, No queston (Future acton)
      Will you change your (work) JOB?
      g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous)
      Are you going to sleep now? (OPTIONAL)


  32. I would say the song is positive because she talks about hard times but the song is mosT about being thankful.

    she feels lost and alone. She talks about having a hard time with her feelings and being sad.

    She ´s not really worried. She talks about her problems, but the song is more about thanking her lover for helping her. She seems more thankful than worried.

    a- Wh question ("Verb to be")
    Where is you in the song?
    b- Yes, No question ("Possession" have)
    Does she have a lover?
    c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can)
    Can she find a way out of her sandness or not?
    d- Wh question (S. Past)
    Why did she write the song?
    e- Wh question (Habitual actions- S. Present)
    What does she do when is happy?
    f- Yes, No queston (Future acton)
    Will she be happy?
    g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous)
    Is she thanking her lover or her dad?
    h- Yes, No question (like)
    Does she like feeling sad?

    Lucca, Ferrari

  33. Lucca: Check Nicolás´ corrections.(First part)
    a- Where ARE you....?
    e- What does she do when SHE is happy?

  34. Tomas López Bejar

    1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    I would rate it positive. The song is about saying “thank you” for help, even when things are hard.

    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her.
    She feels sad, lonely, and has been hurt in the past. She also talks about feeling lost.

    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    No, she is not really worried. She feels better because someone helped her and she is thankful for that.

    a- Wh question (“Verb to be”)
    • Where is she?

    b- Yes, No question (“Possession” have)
    • Do you have her album?

    c- Optional question (“Ability / Possibility”- can)
    • Can you understand her feelings in the song?

    d- Wh question (S. Past)
    • What happened to her before she felt better?

    e- Wh question (Habitual actions- S. Present)
    • What does she do when she feels sad?

    f- Yes, No question (Future action)
    • Will she sing this song again?

    g- Optional question (Action Now- Present continuous)
    • Are you listening to this song now?

    h- Yes, No question (like)
    • Do you like this song?

  35. Tomás: Very good!! Check optional questions c and g. You should add an option. For example: Can you understand her feelings in the song or not?

  36. 1- I think it´s a positive song, because it talks about how important a person can be for you. To help dealing with problems.
    2- Her tea gone cold. The morning rain clouds up her window and she can’t see at all. She drank so much last night and got bills to pay. Her head just feels in pain. She missed the bus and she was late for work again.
    3- I think she is not worried because she has her special person beside her.

    a- Who is your boyfriend?
    b- Do you have a black dress?
    c- Can you write songs or poems?
    d- Where did you go yesterday?
    e- Will you listen to the radio?
    f- Are you going to work by car or train?
    g- Do you like cats?

  37. Ethan: Good job!! Check, please: 1- because it ( talks) IS about how important a person can be for you (. To ) to help dealing with problems.

  38. Ezekiel Cattaneo
    1) I would rate it in a positive way because it´s very chill.
    2)Her tea was cold, she drank too much, she has to pay the bills, she has a headache, and she missed the bus.
    3) For me she is not worried about those things because she said that someone call her and wasn´t so bad.
    4- Let´s practise question asking
    4) a- What is the name of the special person?
    b-Do you have bills to pay?
    c-Can you sing with public or without public?
    d-What did you eat yesterday?
    e-Where do you work?
    f-Will you work tomorrow?
    g-Are you working or listening to music?
    h-Do you like to sing?

    1. Ezekiel: Good! Check, please:
      3. .....someone callEd her and IT wasn´t so bad.

  39. 1- I think it is a positive song. It is so say thank you to someone she loves.
    2- She was hangover, she has bills to pay, miss the bus and is late for work.
    3- No she is not worried, because she just had the best day of her life.
    4- 4- Let´s practise question asking

    5- a- Wh question ("Verb to be") Where do you live?
    6- b- Yes, No question ("Possession" have) Do you have a hairdryer?
    7- c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can) Can you go to live to your mothers house?
    8- d- Wh question (S. Past). Did you cry at that moment?
    9- e- Wh question (Habitual actions- S. Present). Where is your suitcase?
    10- f- Yes, No queston (Future acton). Will you buy a house again?
    11- g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous) Are you going to a hotel or a friend house?
    12- h- Yes, No question (like). Do you like the city?

    1. Juliana: OK!! Check, please: 1- It is (so ) TO say thank you to someone she loves.
      2- She (was ) HAS A hangover, she has bills to pay, missES the bus and is late for work.
      5- a- Wh question ("Verb to be") Where do you live? (VERB TO BE)
      7- c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can) Can you go( to) AND live (to) IN your mothers house? OPTIONAL
      9- e- Wh question (Habitual actions- S. Present). Where is your suitcase? VERB TO BE
      11- g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present ´S continuous) Are you going to a hotel or a friend´S house?

  40. Luis María Ovati
    1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    1- I think that is a positive song because, the love can transform everything.
    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    2- Her tea's gone cold, the morning rain clouds up her window and she see all gray, she drank too much last night, and she got bills

    to pay
    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    3- No, she is not worried about those negative things because she has a friend by her side.
    4- Let´s practise question asking

    a- Wh question ("Verb to be")
    What´s your name?
    b- Yes, No question ("Possession" have)
    Have you a picture on the wall?
    c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can)
    Can you cry or laught?
    d- Wh question (S. Past)
    What did you drink last night?
    e- Wh question (Habitual actions- S. Present)
    What do you do usually?
    f- Yes, No queston (Future acton)
    Will you late at work?
    g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous)
    Are you get a call or not in this moment?
    h- Yes, No question (like)
    Do you like your job?

    1. Luis: OK! Check, please:
      1- I think that IT is a positive song because, (the ) love can transform everything.
      ...and she seeS all gray
      b- Yes, No question ("Possession" have)
      Have you GOT a picture on the wall? / DO YOU HAVE A PICTURE ON THE WALL?
      c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can)
      Can you cry or laught?LAUGH
      e- Wh question (Habitual actions- S. Present)
      What do you USUALLY do (usually) ?
      f- Yes, No queston (Future acton)
      Will you BE late (at ) FOR work?
      g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous)
      Are you getTING a call or not (in ) AT this moment?

  41. 1- How would you rate this song: Positive or negative? Why?
    I think it is a positive song because it talks about love.
    2- Please, mention all the negative things that happened to her
    She drank a lot, she missed the bus, she was late for work.
    3- Is she worried about those negative things? Why? Why not?
    She is worried but that person gives her peace.

    4- Let´s practise question asking

    a- Wh question ("Verb to be")
    Whats you surname?
    b- Yes, No question ("Possession" have)
    Do you have a car?
    c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can)
    Can you go to work walking?
    d- Wh question (S. Past)
    How old were you in 2010?
    e- Wh question (Habitual actions- S. Present)
    What time do you usually wake up?
    f- Yes, No queston (Future acton)
    Will you meet you love?
    g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous)
    Do you prefer to be drinking tea or coffee?
    h- Yes, No question (like)
    Do you like a coffe?

    1. Federico: Check, please:
      I think it is a positive song because it (talks) IS about love.
      a- Wh question ("Verb to be")
      Whats you surname? WHAT´S YOUR SURNAME?
      c- Optional question ("Ability /Possibility"- can)
      Can you go to work (walking?) ON FOOT? OPTIONAL
      f- Yes, No queston (Future acton)
      Will you meet youR love?
      g- Optional question- (Action Now- Present continuous)
      Do you prefer to be drinking tea or coffee? ARE YOU DRINKING TEA OR COFFEE?
      h- Yes, No question (like)
      Do you like (a) coffeE?
