Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Before and After


1- Do you really feel things have changed?
2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?


  1. Marcos García Susini - LU 1014362 - Course of study 137882

    1) Of course things have changed, since the computers appeared in our lives lots of things have been replaced.

    2) Pros: Less time to finish things. Less physical space occuped. Mutitasking.

    Cons: Less human interact. Less healthy life. Less variety of things.

    3) I think that we can live without technology, it could be a very high impact over the world but if once we did it why not in a future!

  2. Marcos,
    Great job!!!*****
    Take a look:
    1) ...... since (the) computers appeared .........

    2) ..... occupIed. MuLtitasking.

    .... interactION.

    3) ... it could be a very high impact over the world. ( but) if once we did so / COULD DO so why not in (a) THE NEAR future!

  3. Fabrizio Amatilli- 132655March 23, 2012 at 2:55 PM

    1) Yes things have changed and we have to replace this new things more quickly than before

    2)Pros: We have more space, because all the new electronics are more thin than old electronics
    Our parents and friends can find us at all times
    We are very informed at all times

    Cons:We have news needs
    We do not interact well
    More people are going to have problems with eyes and ears

    3)I think that nowadays we have the need of electronic things so it is imposible to live without technology

    Fabrizio Amatilli

  4. Fabrizio,
    1) Yes, things have changed and we have to replace THESE new things more quickly than before

    2)Pros: We have more space, because all the new electronics are FLATTER than THE old ONES

    More people are going to have problems with THEIR eyes and ears

  5. Romina Del Prete-1020654- Mar 26,2012
    1). Yes, I really feel that things have changed. The impact of technology made lots of changes in our lifes, in our mundane activities.
    2). Pros:
    Technology makes our life easier in some aspects. For example, in google we can find all the information we need in a minute.
    It helps the industry development.
    It makes advances in medicine and helps to save lifes.
    Less healthy people.
    There is less social life.
    It makes people loose their jobs, because they are replace by machines.
    3).I think that it is not possible to live without technology but we have to be able to find a balance between technology and our lifes.

  6. Romina,
    Well done!!!*****
    1). ....... The impact of technology HAS made lots of changes in our liVes, in our mundane activities.
    2). Pros:
    It makes advances in medicine and helps to save liVes.
    It makes people lOse their jobs, because they are replaceD by machines.
    3).....but we (have to be able to) SHOULD find a balance between technology and our liVes.

    TO LOSE / LOST/ LOST VS LOOSE (not firm or rigid)

  7. 1)Yes,of course! In my opinion the tecnology advanced very quickly in a short time.

    2)Pros: There are more comunication,more information and the life cycle was extended.

    Cons: The people are less connected personally, fewer people enjoy the outdoors, it isn`t healthy.

    3) In my opinion, it isn`t possible to live without technology, but we can live using the technology moderately,only when we need, and we should enjoy more personal contact and the outdoors.

    Ludmila Muñoz LU: 1011055

  8. Ludmila,

    Great job!*****
    1)Yes,of course! In my opinion (the) tecHnology......

    2)Pros: There IS more comunication,more information and OUR life cycle (was) HAS extended.

    Cons: (The ) people are less connected personally, fewer people enjoy the outdoors AND THAT isn`t healthy.

    3) In my opinion, it isn`t possible to live without technology, but we can live using (the technology ) IT moderately,only when we need IT, and we should enjoy more personal contact and the outdoors.


  9. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes, I really do. As the technology keeps growing, rutines keep changing because people are now replacing activities they used to do by themself, with appliances.
    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    First, referring to pros, you have more leisure time in order to rest or do whatever you want, I mean, hobbies, sports, you name it. On the other hand, some tipical things are deassapering, you know, kids are changing toys with computers, books with internet or meeting in a park with chating by the computer; that isn`t, obviosly, something good.
    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    No,I don't. You can`t go against what people have accepted. Thechnology growing up is kind of rule that you can`t ignore in case you want to live in society.

    Abal, Juan Martin
    English II Level C

    1. Juan Martín,
      Good job!!*****

      1- As(the) technology keeps growing, rutines keep changing because people are now replacing activities they used to do by (themself) THEMSELVES, with appliances.
      2-.... On the other hand, some tipical things are (deassapering) DISAPPEARING, you know, kids are (changing) REPLACING toys (with) BY computers, books (with)BY THE internet or meeting in a park (with) BY chating by the computer; that isn`t, obviosly, something good.
      3- .( Thechnology growing up) THE GROWTH OF TECHNOLOGY is kind of rule that you can`t ignore in case you want to live in society.


    1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes, I do. If we compare life 50 years ago with nowadays, we can notice that the technology and other things changed our life in many aspects.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?

    - We can communicate easier with people who are in the other side of the earth.
    - We can access to information quickly (for example, Google, Wikipedia.)
    - We can be informed all the time about the news.

    - People are reading less.
    - The internet is a bit insecure. (e.g.: it can be the cause of missing children)
    - Less healthy life.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    Not now, because if we had lived up to now with technology, it would be very difficult to live without it.

    1. Mariana,
      1- (the) technology and other things HAVE CHANGED....
      2- ON the other side....
      HAVE access....
      3- If we HAVE LIVED.....IT WILL BE .....

  11. Aguirre Martin(UADE) Monday course 405April 20, 2012 at 11:47 PM

    1- Do you really feel things have changed?

    Yes I think that things have changed due to the advance of technology and culture

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?

    Pros:With the technology:
    #People are looking for the solutions of the doubts that they don t know.
    #Communication is easier and faster than before
    #we can learn about things that are happening in the world

    Cons.With the advance of technology:
    #Increases the obesity in people
    #The people lose their creativity
    #Loss of contact with nature

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    It is not possible because more and more people depend on it.

    1. Martín,
      2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?

      Pros:(With the) AS REGARDS technology:
      #People (are looking for the) CAN LOOK FOR solutions of the doubts that they (don t) don´t know.

      Cons.With the advance of technology:
      #Increases the obesity in people / OBESITY INCREASES
      #(The) people lose their creativity

  12. 1) Yes, I think things have really changed in the last 10 years

    2) Pros: -You can communicate with almost everyone in the world by cellphone or Internet

    -You can get information from all over the world in a few minutes

    -There are a lot of things that you can dowload for free such as books, music, videos, etc

    Cons: -People lose contact face to face with other people
    -Less healthy activity
    -Less contact with nature

    3) It's not possible because the world is connected through tecnology

    Juan Cruz Costabel
    LU: 1018367

  13. Juan Cruz,
    Great job!*****

    2) Pros: -You can communicate with almost everyone in the world by cellphone or THE Internet

  14. Ventos Marcelo Uade, Monday course 405.

    1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes, I think thing have an enormous change becouse of the tecnology evolution and the new generationships.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    -Better comunication
    -More information
    -Things are faster
    -Less face contact
    -Not healthy
    -People is more individual

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    I think it is impossible because if you are not adapted to it you are out of a sistem and tecnology could solve a lot of problems specially at work.

  15. Marcelo,
    Great job!*****

    1-Yes, I think thingS have UNDERGONE an enormous change becAuse of the tecHnology evolution and the new generations

    -People ARE more individualISTIC

    3-.... you are out of a sYstem and tecHnology could solve a lot of problems specially at work.

  16. Pablo DIngianna LU:1026028May 30, 2012 at 8:57 PM

    1) Yes,we are in an era of constant technological evolution, You can feel the change day by day

    2) Pros

    *access to information
    *better communication between people
    *simplification of daily activities


    *less face to face relationships
    *unhealthy lifestyles
    *dependence on technology

    3)I think it's impossible to live without technology. we became dependent on it

  17. 1) Yes, the things have a big change thanks to the tecnology evolution.

    2) Pros:
    -More information
    -Communicate over long distances
    -We know everything that happens in the world

    -Kids outdoor play less
    -More sedentary
    -Depends on the technology

    3) We can´t live without technology because today most things are done by technology.

    Caruso Nicolas Martin. LU: 1018567 Monday course 405

  18. Nicolás,
    Good job!!!*****

    1) Yes, (the )things have UNDERGONE a big change thanks to the tecHnology evolution.

    -Kids play less OUTDOORS
    -More sedentary
    -PEOPLE DepenD on (the) technology

  19. Juan Morgan LU: 1022881 Viernes - Turno MañanaJune 7, 2012 at 10:56 PM

    1- Yes, with the develop of the technology, customs and culture change it a lot.

    2- We have a more comfortable life style, but also a lot of people live a virtual life with lack of social and outdoors activities.

    3-No, its very helpful nowadays and its incorporate in a lot of ordinary activities.

    1. Juan,
      Good work!+++++
      1-developMENT of technology, customs and culture have changed a lot.
      3-...it is very helpful....and it is incorporated /used....

  20. Federico Hib - Lunes Turno MañanaJune 10, 2012 at 5:52 PM

    1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes I do. Things have definitely changed. The image of parents punishing their child for the note and what happens today, shows the cultural changes we had.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    -access to more information
    -better communication between people
    -things are faster and easier.

    -less face contact
    -unhealthy lifestyle
    -addiction to technology
    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    Undoubtedly so. Our parents and grandparents could live, because we do not? The challenge would be able to do without dying in the attempt! :)

    1. Federico,
      Good job!*****
      1-...parents punishing their child because of a mark /grade and what is happening today,.....we have had.
      3- ...so couldn´t we? The challenge would be, doing it without.......

      Remember: note (you take down notes, musical note)
      mark (B.E) grade(A.E)

  21. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes, things have changed because the technology has evolved and the values are different than years ago.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    ~ The communication is faster than years ago.
    ~ Quick access to information.
    ~ Fluently communication.

    ~ Priority of material things.
    ~ Set aside things like friends, family or situations that people enjoy more than before.
    ~ Other values

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?

    1. M.Carla,
      1-.. .(the)technology.....and (the) values are different FROM years ago.

      2-(the) communication.....
      fluent communication

  22. 1- Yes, the things are changing, sometimes in a good way, sometimes not.

    2-Pros: The longs distances are now short distances for the thechnology. Cons:Sometimes the people only see them faces in a lcd

    3-Like Carlitos Tevez says, " is very difficult".

    1. Nicolás,
      Good job!*****
      1- Yes,(the) things are changing......
      2- (the) lonG distances are now short distances because of (the)technology..
      Sometimes (the)people only see their faces on ....
      3- As Tevez says, "IT is......"

  23. D´angelo Mauricio LU:133985 (monday morning)June 13, 2012 at 6:53 PM

    1) Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes,I think really because we are in the world of constant technology, You could see the change day by day.

    2)Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    pos: -Have to more information
    -Less time to finish things
    -Our parents and friends can find us at all time

    cons: -dependence on technology
    -less healthy life
    -people have news needs

    3)Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    It is not possible because we nowadays more and more people depend on it.

    1. Mauricio,
      Very good job!*****
      1- Yes, I really think so...we live in A world of ...You CAN see......
      2-have more information
      our parents and friends can find us at any time./ all the time.
      people have NEW needs
      ...because nowadays more and more people......

  24. 1- Yes, things have change a lot because of the advance of technology. We have to do things all the time, always running to get new stuff.
    2- Pros: the distance is no longer an issue. We can contact to everyone no matter where the person is. Also, we can be informed all the time. finally, we can finish things in less time than before.
    Cons: we have lost the time to meditate about ourselves. All the time we are doing several things at the same moment. We have lost the interaction face to face.
    3- I think we can’t live without it. We have to search for a balance between the technology and ourselves so we don’t became technology addicts.

    1. Sofía,
      Very good work!*****
      1-..things have changeD
      2-(the)distance is no longer....We can contact (to) everyone
      we have lost face to face interaction
      3-....a balance between (the)technology and ourselves so that we don´t becOME .....

  25. Yes, i think that everything have changed a lot because of the technology and some other things like your parents do not punish like before.
    2)Pros: facilities in new technologies to learn
    comunication for long distances.
    access to information
    Cons: you spend so many time with a pc or tv
    you dont socialice like before
    people have more needs
    3)No, absolutely not. Now we are very used to it and it is very usefull nowadays.

    Juan Jose De Zan 1024734 Friday morning

    1. juan josé,
      Good work!*****
      1-Yes,I think that everything HAS changed....
      (your) parents do not punish their kids as they used to.
      2) coMMunication
      you spend a lot of time in front of the P.C or T.V set.
      you don´t socialize.....
      3) useful

  26. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes, I did because in a few years the technology improved a lot and these produce some changes in our customs, ways of living and thinking.
    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    On the one hand, at 2012 technology made our lives more comfortable than before. For instance, we can talk at the same time with someone who lives in another part of the world. Moreover, people can do more activities at the same time. In addition, technology made that work became more efficient.
    On the other hand, nowadays, people became more sedentary. Furthermore, kids spend all day in front of a computer and parents became more permissive.
    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    No I don’t because if our forefathers could live without it we also can.

    Nahuel Schienke LU:1018286 Class 405

    1. Nahuel,
      1-Yes, I do...(the) technology has improved a lot and this has produced...

      2) (at) in 2012
      technology makes that work become more.....
      people have become more sedentary and parents have become more....
      3) I think your answer should have been "Yes, I do" because of your explanation. Check it out, please.

  27. 1-Yes the thing really change: today we are living in an age where technology helps us at all and that is why we used

    -makes easy the way you get information
    -you can socializace with people far away
    -With the tecnology you have new method to learn
    -you became depend of the tecnology
    -You dont want to socielizace with real people
    -you stay on your home instead of doing a phisical activity
    Yes our ancestor like my grandfather and my grandmother they dont use this type of tecnology and they were happines and we wont?

    Víctor Hugo Jiménez

    1. Victor,
      Good work!*****
      1- Yes,(the) things have really changed. technology helps us all the time and that is why we use it.
      2- you can socialize with people who are far away
      with (the) technology you can have new methods ....
      you become dependent on technology
      you don´t wamnt to socialize with.....
      you stay AT home instead of doing physical .....

      3- Yes, our ancestorS.......(they) did not use ....and they were happy.

  28. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes,I think the things changed a lot.
    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    - Everything is faster
    - You can keep in touch with people who lives far away
    - You can get information about everything
    - Less comunication face to face
    - You became depend of your cell phone or computer
    - People spend so much time in front of computers or tv

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    i think is possible, but for us will be very dificult

    Ailen Perretta. LU 1020066 Lunes, turno mañana

    1. Ailen,
      Well done!*****
      1- Yes, (the) things HAVE changed ....
      2- people who LIVE....
      you becOme dependent ON your .......
      people spend very much time....or T.V sets.
      3-I think IT is possible...it will be difficult

  29. 1) Yes I do. Things have changed because now we have internet, telephone, TV, Ipod that change our lifestyle. Now people spend more time in their houses, and talk with their family or friends by internet.

    2) Positive things:
    We have more and cheap information with internet.
    We can communicate with people in another part of the world.
    People live more time because new medicines
    Negative things:
    We are more with electronic things than with our family.
    We want all fast and now
    We are a lot of time in front of a screen

    3) No, I think that now live without technology is impossible. We always use our phones or computer to communicate with people and do things.

    Nicolas Cheble 1020322. Ingles turno mañana, lunes.

    1. Nicolás,
      Great job!*****
      1- ......telephones, T.V sets, IpodS that have changed our life style. .....at home and they talk with their......by the internet.
      2-...cheaper information with the internet
      because of new medicines
      we spend more time with .....than
      3- I think that now it is impossible to live..../ Living without technology is......

  30. 1) Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes I think that Things have changed. Pictures shows our actual reality.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    access to more information
    more communication
    we can know and find people

    less face contact
    people easily dispersed
    we came depends

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?

    I think that nowadays is impossible to live without technology, because we need that for everything.

    María Pía Troglio LU: 132523

    1. María Pia,
      1- Pictures show us our reality nowadays.
      Remember: actual= real
      current=nowadays= at present.
      2- face to face contact
      people are easily absent minded
      we become dependent on this technology
      3- ...nowadays, IT is.....we need IT for everything

  31. esteban mastronardiJune 17, 2012 at 10:31 PM

    1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    yes, a lot of things had changed, some are positive and others are negatives
    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    pros: acces to information
    the velocity to make thinks
    you can contact anyone in anywhere
    cons: more independent
    less care for the other
    we are always in a hurry
    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    now a days, no is impossible because we become accustomed to living with the technology

    Mastronardi esteban
    LU: 132781

    1. Esteban,
      Very good work!!*****
      1- a lot of things HAVE changed.......negativE
      2- the speed to do things
      you can contact anyone (in) .....
      less care for others
      3-nowadays, it is impossible....we have become ......(the) technology.

  32. 1)Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes, of course things have changed. Since the computer was introduced in daily life, things changed a lot.

    2)Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    - The technology streamlined the various work of the people.
    - Reduce geographical distances.
    - We have easy access to much information.
    - Generates a lot of dependency.
    - Often technology moves personal relationships.
    - Sedentary lifestyle.

    3)Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    No, I think that now is practically impossible to live without technology because it’s so introduced in our lifes and in everything we usually do.

    Agostina Volpi
    L.U.: 131917
    Nivel C, Lunes, turno Mañana.

    1. Agostina,
      Well done!!*****

      1- ...things have changed a lot.
      2- (the) technology....
      3- Now, it is .....
      ......our liVes.....

  33. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    I think that things have changed a lot since technology appeared in ours daily life.
    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    -Technology reduce distances.
    -Technology reduce time of communicating with people.
    -Through technologies you can look for a lot information.

    -Less meets with people face to face.
    -Sedentary lifestyle.
    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    As we were born when technology had already been incorporated in daily life, I think that it's not possible to live without it because we depend of technology.

    Ariana Ferrero
    ingles 2c, lunes por la mañana.

    1. Ariana,
      Very good work!!*****
      1-......in our daily life.
      2-technology reduceS....
      ....a lot of information
      less meetings /fewer meetings
      we depend ON technology

  34. Facundo Ferro

    1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes, I Think that all the things have changed. The techonology have changed our lifes!

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?

    You could comunicate with other people more frecuently
    You could find friend in the internet
    You have more information

    The people abuse it
    The People don´t practice sports
    Some computers make the job that the people did in the past.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?

    I think that we like living with technology And we can´t leave its.

    1. Facundo,
      Good work!*****
      1-technology has changed our lives
      2-You can communicate with other people more frequently
      .....on the internet.
      (the) people
      3- we can´t leave it.

  35. 1- Yes, technology changed our life in a good and in a bad way

    2- Pros: Comunication is easier, Globalization has help in many ways, for example in negotiations. And information is more available for everyone.
    Against: Kids live their life conected with techonology, people do not make excercise so there is obesity, and there are less meeting face to face.

    3- I think this days is imposible to live without techonology, look that school, university and jobs are related with techonology, computers. In adittion, people are all the time conected thanks to cell phones and I think many times they should turn them off because it is not the only way of comunication but at the same time I think it helps many times.

    Jonathan Savarese, Turno:viernes, mañana

    1. Jonathan,
      1-Things have changed...
      2- communication.....
      Globalization has helped
      kids live their life connected with technology...
      people don´t do exercise...
      fewer/ less meetingS

      less /fewer meetingS
      3- ...these days, it is impossible....Schools, universities, jobs are related to technology.
      In addition, people are connected....(and) but I think....communication

  36. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    Definitely, technology had changed a lot throughout the years. What years before was thought to be impossible, is nowadays becoming more and more real. For example, think about live transmissions, you are watching something that it's going miles away from where you are at exactly the same time that is happening. Do you think someone could think of this 150 years ago?

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?

    1) It shortens distances
    2) The digitalization of information helped to save storage spaces
    3) Gives information in real time. With just one click you can know what's happening in China

    1) It eliminates face to face contact
    2) It encourages a sedentary lifestyle
    3) It unconsciously forces you to live in its dependence

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    People used to live with no technology, I wonder how do they do it! If you think, technology in our lives is vital so thinking of living in a place with no technology it could be really hard. Lets say there's a power shortcut, no light, no computer, no TV, your cellphone's battery almost dead, you could just read a book! But most people is not used to that kind of enterteinment. Technology is involved in every aspect of our lifes so thinking of living with no technology is almost impossible.

    Ezequiel Romero de Haz LU: 1034295

  37. Ezequiel,
    Excellent work!!*****
    1-Definitely, technology HAS changed .... ..
    something that (it)'s going miles away from where you are at exactly the same time that is happening. Do you think ANYONE could HAVE THOUGHT OF of this 150 years BEFORE?

    2) The digitalization of information HAS helped to save storage spaces

    3) It unconsciously forces you to live ON its dependence

    3- People used to live withOUT technology, I wonder how (do) they (do it!) DID IT
    Let`s say
    But most people ARE not used to that kind of entertAinment. Technology is involved in every aspect of our liVes so thinking of living withOUT technology is almost impossible.

  38. Agustin Jesus 1020027 Ingles Nivel C turno mañana

    1- Do you really feel things have changed? Yes, things have changed a lot. But not only in bad ways as you can see in that pictures.
    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    Three pros:
    - You can communicate with people from all around the world in cheaper ways and more quickly.
    - Medicine has changed considerably, and they found how to cure many diseases.
    - We have new tools to make our work easier. Like netbooks and Internet everywhere.
    Three cons:
    - People are more disrespectful
    - A lot of people is so used to communicate by the internet or by the cell phones that they find difficulties on talking people face to face.
    - Nowadays, our security is really a problem. You can´t forget to lock the doors at home like 30 years ago.
    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    Yes, it is possible. In fact, lots of people use things really old-fashioned. But I think that is a mistake, because technology provide us a lot of tools that can help us to do our things easier.

  39. Agustín
    Great job!!*****
    Take a look!
    1- .......you can see in THOSE pictures.
    2- A lot of people ARE so used to communicatING ON the internet or by theIR cell phones that they find IT HARD TO talk TO people face to face.
    - 3- lots of people use really old-fashioned THINGS. But I think that IT is a mistake, because technology CAN provide us WITH a lot of tools that can help us to do our things easier.

  40. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes, I really think things have changed completely. For example during my childhood I used to played football on the street and nawadays is impossible to do that.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    PROS: -Technology allow us to finish jobs and homework faster and easier.
    - It give us lot of confort.
    - It connect us with family and friend, who are far away.
    CONS: - Technology make us more uncommunicative when we are face to face.
    - In extreme cases produce addiction.
    - People prefer to stay at home instead of do exercises or just go out.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    In our era it's immposible yo live without technology because we depend of it for everything, but our grandparent and perents used to lived with none of this knew things.

    Nicolas Ianni English IC Friday Mornings

    1. Nicolás,
      Good work!!!*****
      1- For example during my childhood I used to plaY football on the street and nOwadays IT is impossible to do that.

      2- PROS: -Technology allowS /ENABLES us to finish jobs and homework faster and easier.
      - It giveS us lot of coMfort.
      - It connectS us with family and friendS, who are far away.
      CONS: - Technology makeS us more uncommunicative when we are face to face.
      - In extreme cases IT CAN produce addiction.
      - People prefer to stay at home instead of doING exercisE or just goING out.

      3- In our era it's immposible To live without technology because we depend ON it for everything, but our grandparentS and pArents used to livE with none of this NEW things.

      TAKE A LOOK:
      USED TO (HABIT IN THE PAST)Subject+Used to+ verb (infinitive).
      He- she- It + verb+S (Simple present)

  41. 1) Yes, I feel it.
    2) Pros:
    - Tecnology help us to find information for education.
    - We can communicate with people from other countries.
    - We can found people with our same interesting.
    - A lot of times, technology don´t communicate people.
    - The people don´t visit their friends or family, because they can chat or see their family or friends by facebook. It is not Good.
    - The sons know most of technology that his parents. Adult people are unhappy for this, they feel unable to help their sons in a lot of situations.

    3)No, I think is impossible live without technology.

    Juliana Gonzalez (English 1 - Level C)

    1. Juliana,
      Good work!!!*****
      2) Pros:
      - TecHnology helpS us to find information for education.
      - We can MEET people WHO SHARE our same interestS
      - A lot of times, technology DOESN´T communicate people.
      - (The) people don´t visit their friends or family, because they can chat or see their family or friends by facebook. It is not Good.
      - (The) sons know MORE ABOUT technology thaN THEIR parents. Adult people are unhappy ABOUT this..

      3)No, I think IT is impossible TO live without technology.

  42. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?

    Yes I think so, nowadays everyhting goes around technology and we must adapt and learn how to use these electronical devices.On the other hand,I think that these changes in our lifestyle has advantages and drawbacks.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?

    -Computers or Smartphones allow us to look for information and download it in order to complete our assignments
    -Nowadays there are many electronical devices that provide us entertaintment. For example: a DVD player or a videogames device.
    -Cellphones allow us to communicate with other people whenever we are, distance is not a problem.

    -It is very common for people to use social networks as a communication tool but many people doesn´t meet with it´s friends or relatives.They just talk through a PC.
    -Some people became addictive to technology ( videogames-social networks )
    -Technology can lead people to a sendentary lifestyle ( In case that person becames addictive )

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?

    NO,I think it´s barely impossible to live without technology just because we were born in a generation where many electronical devices and new products appeared and were developed.We are accustomed to a technological lifestyle.

    Federico Thomas Justinijanovic. English friday morning class

  43. Federico,
    Super!!!***** :)
    1- On the other hand,I think that these changes in our lifestyle haVE SOME advantages and SOME drawbacks.

    2- -Nowadays there are many electronical devices that provide us WITH entertaintment.
    -Cellphones allow us to communicate with other people wheRever we are
    Cons:.... but many people DON´T meet THEIR friends or relatives.
    -Some people HAVE becOme addictED to technology
    -Technology can lead people to a sendentary lifestyle ( In case that person becOmes addictED )
    Addictive 1. Causing or tending to cause addiction: an addictive substance.
    2. Characterized by or susceptible to addiction: an addictive personality.

  44. 1. The things are different because now we have a lot of ways to communicate and make the things easier since then the technology progress a lot.

    2. Pros:
    With the technology we can make that the distance short.
    We can make things quickly.
    It´s a new entertain.

    Some people abuse.
    lost the personal contact.
    Some people get problems with the eyes and ears.

    3. I think that in my case i am so used to all the technology that we have frequently and i can't live without technology.

    Julieta Bustos Luna.
    LU: 1027009.
    Monday morning.

    1. Julieta,
      1. (The)things are different because now we have a lot of ways to communicate and make (the) things easier since (then the) technology HAS MADE a lot of progress

      2. Pros:
      With (the )technology we can make (that the) distance BE short.
      We can DO things MORE quickly.
      It´s a new entertainMENT.

      losS OF personal contact.
      .....theIR eyes and ears.

      3. I think that in my case I am so used to all the technology that we have frequently THAT I can't live without IT

  45. 1)
    Yes I really think that things changed, we can see the bigest change in very old people, who needs to learn to use technological devices because it's one of the few ways to maintain contact with their loved ones.
    We are never outdated of the news.
    With the technology we have better and faster communication.
    The information is only one click away.

    People spend too much time on the PC.
    Some people can not access to technology.
    Technology constantly changes, and everyone want the brand new items.

    3) I think we accustom our life style to technology so much. Also I thinky that we have kind of addiction with technology so we can't be able to live without it.

    Macarena Rama
    Friday Morning

    1. Macarena,
      Well done!*****
      Yes I really think that things HAVE changed, we can see the biGgest change in very old people, who neeD to learn HOW to use technological devices ...
      With (the) technology we have better and faster communication.
      (The) information is only one click away.
      .... and everyone wantS the brand new items.

      3) I think our life style IS CLOSELY RELATED to technology . Also I thinK that we have A kind of addiction TO technology so we can't live without it.

  46. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes, I feel that the things have changed
    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    Pros: -The people don’t have to move to do a lot of things
    -All the things in the life become easier
    - We can communicate with all the people regardless the distance.
    Cons: -There is more people fat
    -The people don’t want to move from his house
    -There are less communication face to face.
    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    I think that is impossible live without technology, because it it’s the power of the world, without him, we wouldn't know what do in the day.

    Pedro Lalanne, Monday Morning, LU: 1027873

    1. Pedro,
      Well done!*****
      1-Yes, I feel that (the) things have changed
      2- life HAS become easier
      Cons: -There ARE FATTER PEOPLE
      (-The) people don’t want to move from THEIR HOMES
      -There IS less FACE TO FACE communication
      3- I think that IT is impossible TO live without technology, because it’s the power of the world, without IT, we wouldn't know what do DURING the day.

  47. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?

    Yes, as Bob Dylan says, things have changed.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?

    - The improvementes in the communications was the best change in the civilization. The distances was reduced.
    - We are in the information age actually.
    - The technology makes life easier.

    - The values are lost, for example, the picture about the teacher and the fathers of the student, its a bad but actually fact in our country.
    - It losses the face to face communication.
    - Stay quiet is bad for the health.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    No, its impossible. The civilization must adapt to the new technologies and changes.

    Emmanuel Nicolás Domínguez López
    LU 1029657
    Monday, 1C, Aula 605.

    1. Emmanuel,
      Good work!*****
      2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?

      - The improvemenT in (the) communications HAS BEEN the best change in the civilization. (The) distances HAVE BEEN reduced.
      - We are CURRENTLY in the information age
      Check: actually vs currently=at present=nowadays.

      - (The) technology makes life easier.

      - (The) values are lost, for example, the picture about the teacher and the the student´S PARENTS, it´s a bad AND REAL fact in our country.
      - face to face communication IS LOST.
      - StayING quiet is bad for PEOPLE´S health.

      3- No, it´s impossible.

    2. Emmanuel,
      Good work!*****
      - The improvemenT in (the) communications HAS BEEN the best change in the civilization. (The) distances HAVE BEEN reduced.
      - We are CURRENTLY in the information age

      Check: actually vs currently=at present=nowadays.

      - (The) technology makes life easier.

      - (The) values are lost, for example, the picture about the teacher and the the student´S PARENTS, it´s a bad AND REAL fact in our country.
      - face to face communication IS LOST.
      - StayING quiet is bad for PEOPLE´S health.

      3- No, it´s impossible

  48. 1-yes, I do really feel things have changed.
    *the means of communication are very varied.
    *the access to information is very fast
    *The technology advanced a lot.
    *the people move less.
    *The children spend more time their with computers than with their friends.
    *Now there aren`t many rides because it has all the home entertainment.
    3-No,I dont.
    Massola Carolina
    Monday Morning

    1. Carolina,
      Good work!*****
      1-yes, I really DO feel things have changed.
      (The )technology advanced a lot.

      (the) people move less.
      (The) children spend more time WITH their computers than with their friends.
      *Now there aren`t many OUTINGS because PEOPLE CAN HAVE A LOT OF home entertainment.
      3-No,I DON´T.

  49. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    Things have change because the world and the society is always changing and adapting to the new things that appear.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    -The distances have reduced.
    -The time of communication have reduced.
    -We are always informed of the news of the society.
    -Loose contact with the people, if you are realy into your computer or phone.
    -Talk less, so you for get in a way how to express yourself

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    Nowadays people need technology to do most of the daily things life, so for me it would be really difficult to live without technology.-

    1. Good!... but what´s your name?

      Things have changeD because the world and (the )society ARE always changing and adapting ......
      2-(The ) distances have BEEN reduced.
      -The time of communication haS BEEN reduced.
      -We are always informed
      -LOse contact with (the) people, if you are realLy into your computer or phone.

  50. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?

    I really feel things have changed, because all of us contribute to develop new things or just evolve something which is old to a newer version.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?

    At the moment we have many things just as in the pictures,
    we found everything on the internet or change real things in virtual things.

    For example of PROS:
    * You dont need to be in place to see other people or comunnicate(videoconference)
    * We can access to all information we want on the internet.
    * We can be informed about everything instantly.

    * Technology affects relationships
    * We spent more time inside than outside
    * We dont have more private life, everything is said on social networks.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?

    We lived for many years without technology, but it is very important to say that technology has improved medical resources to help people, like discovering new illnesses or new treatments to save peoples life.

    Bruno Squillo Ferrero
    UADE Monday Morning level c

    1. Bruno,
      Quite good!*****
      ...we fINd everything on the internet or change real things in virtual things.

      * You DON´T need to be in A place to see other people or comMunicate(videoconference)

      * We spenD more time inside than outside
      * We DON´T have more private life...
      3- ....save peoplE´s life.

  51. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    I think that the things are always changing. Its impossible that things do not change

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    The advancement of technology allowed making life easier for people, but people are too lazy now.
    Progress in medicine allows extended life people, but is also killing many people at the same time.
    With new technologies, now people around the world is connected to each other from remote locations,but also we disconnect because we spend more hours at the computer.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    I think it is very important for humans, but we can live without it.

    Maia Finistrella
    Ingles C turno mañana

    1. Maia,
      I think that (the) things are always changing. It´S impossible ....
      2- The advancement of technology HAS MADE life ...
      Progress in medicine allows people TO LIVE LONGER, but IT is also killing many people at the same time.
      With new technologies, now people around the world ARE connected WITH each other from remote locations,but also we ARE disconnectED because we spend more hours at/ ON the computer.

  52. 1)Yes, the things changed, today without technology we can’t live

    Quickly to resolve problems and business.
    Immediate counication

    The people are less connected personally, going less to the cinema and do less physical activity

    3)I think that today we can’t live without technology because we are used to it and give many problems

    Mercedes Muelas
    LU: 1022016
    Aula: 705 Turno mañana.

    1. Mercedes,
      Good job!*****
      1)Yes, (the) things HAVE changed.Today we can’t live WITHOUT TECHNOLOGY

      WE CAN resolve problems and business QUICKLY.
      Immediate coMMUNication

      (The) people are less connected personally, GO to the cinema LESS .....
      3)I think that today we can’t live without technology because we are used to it and (give many problems..??? WHY?)

  53. 1- I know the things have changed. Especially with the computers



    - You can communicate with others using Internet, instead to see they face to face
    - The city is more dangerous than before
    - People spend too much time at home as they can do everything from your computer


    - The communication is faster
    - You can do the paperwork faster
    - Advances in medicine

    3- I think it is impossible to live without technology, that would be isolated from the world

    Maria Victoria Chakarian
    Level C
    Viernes turno mañana

    1. M.Victoria,
      1- I know (the) things have changed. Especially with (the) computers

      2- CONS

      - You can communicate with others using THE Internet, instead OF TALKING TO THEM face to face
      ...do everything from THEIR computer
      - (The) communication is faster
      - You can do (the) paperwork faster

      3- I think it is impossible to live without technology SINCE WE would be isolated from the world

  54. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes I do. Things have changed a lot.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    Nowadays tecnology is very usefull and we use to use it all the time.
    It makes easier any communication.

    Tecnology helps to the communication but it also has taken a lot of privacy on people's households. For example, having a TV in the living room makes people to pass all the time watching it. This way, people avoid conversations.

    It seems to be that Social networks have arrived to stay. It could be wonderful for meeting people. But it's dangerous too because of the falses identities created, for example.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    Of course I do! But there is a reality, we are used to using it all the time, tecnology makes easier a lot of things.

    Anahí Flor Lanza Friday Morning 1C

    1. Anahí,
      Very good work!!*****
      Nowadays tecHnology is very usefuL and we ARE useD to usING it all the time.
      It makes any communication EASIER.
      Tecnology helps (to the) communication but it HAS also taken..... For example, having a TV SET in the living room makes people (to) SPEND all the time watching it.
      It seems to be that Social networks have arrived to stay. It could be wonderful TO MEET people.
      ... tecHnology makes a lot of things EASIER.

  55. 1)I'm agree that things have changed because we can see every day and when we see de past.
    2) this situation have pros and conts, for example:
    -We are more conect with people.
    -we can know what's happening around the world, and conect with people that is around the world.
    -We can improve our studies.

    -Teenagers play more with electricalgoods and they forget the conection face to face.
    -Teenagers school's life come down.
    -It makes bad to our eyes.

    3)I think we can live without tecnology, but to the new generations it could be dificult because they born in a tecnologycal world

    Maria Florencia Pi
    Level C
    Fridays morning

    1. M.Florencia,
      Quite good!*****
      1)I AGREE that things have changed because we can see THAT every day and when we LOOK BACK INTO THE PAST.
      2) this situation haS pros and conS, for example:
      -We are more conNectED with people.
      -....and conNect with people that ARE around the world.
      ...they forget ABOUT the conNection face to face.
      -Teenagers school's life comeS down.
      -It DOES HARM to our eyes. / It can damage our eyesight

      3)-it could be difFicult because they WERE born in a tecHnologIcal world

  56. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?, Yes I do.Technology has changed everything.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?


    - We can access all the information on the internet and download it.
    - Communication is immediate.
    - The technology reduces the distances because allows us to communicate with people from all over the world in real time.


    - The people are less connected personally.
    - The technology generates the need to share everything with others through social networks, therefore we have no privacy.
    - The people move less.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology? I think not. Today technology is part of the life of people. And live without it, would be a setback for society. It is possible but very difficult.

    Giselle Durán
    Viernes, mañana, aula 705

    1. Giselle,
      Good job!*****

      - (The) technology reduces (the) distances ....
      - (The) people are less connected personally.
      - (The) technology generates ....
      - (The) people move less.

      3- . Today technology is part of PEOPLE´S LIFE And livING without it .....

  57. 1)Yes I think computers have changed the world, to some things for good and some thing for bad

    2) pross: you can watch videos free. You have a lot information to disposition. You can be connected with many people ay the same time
    Cons: many people can t live with the computer.i t makes people loose their jobs, because they are replace by machines. increases the obesity in people

    3) in these days that we live with the technology its impossible to live without technology

    nicolas pietrantueno
    friday morning

    1. Nicolás,
      Well done!*****

      2) proS: you can watch videos FOR free. You have a lot OF information AT YOUR DISPOSAL. You can be connected with many people aT the same time
      Cons: many people can t live withOUT A computer.
      it makes people lOse their jobs, because they are replaceD by machines. IT increases (the) obesity in people

      3)( in) these days (that) we live with (the) technology IT´S impossible to live without IT

  58. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?, Yes I do. The things have changed a lot because of the use of technology.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    # Pros:

    # we can communicate quickly and easily
    # we can access a lot of information around the world in a moment
    # Technology helps us to find information for education

    # Cons:

    # Sometimes, there is no privacy because of technology.
    # People become addicted to this technology and this addiction creates consequences for the health of people.
    # The technology eliminates face to face contact.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    In my opinion, in my opinion it is impossible to live without technology. Because, despite the consequences, the technology is part of my life and this is very important for my studies, relationships and work.

    Guerra Carla
    Friday Morning - 705

    1. Carla,
      Good job!*****
      - (The )things have changed a lot because of the use of technology.

      2- ...creates consequences ON people+S HEALTH.
      (The) technology eliminates face to face contact.

      3- ... (the) technology is part....

  59. 1- Yes I do, thanks to the technology changed many things in our lives.

    2- Pros:
    -We can comunicate with people or family in other countries
    -We can share and find information easily
    -Some technological elements are comfortable to transport

    - With the emergence of smartphones some people are easily distracted
    - Relationships are more virtual and short
    - Some peoples spend too much time watching TV or computer

    3- In my opinion I think this is impossible because we are very accustomed, most of the things we use daily are technological devices.

    Daiana Benitez
    Fridays morning/ Level C

    1. Daiana,
      Well done^*****
      1- Yes I do, thanks to (the ) technology many things HAVE CHANGED in our lives.

      2- -We can comMunicate ....
      - Relationships are more virtual and shortER
      - Some peoplE spend too much time watching TV or ON THE computer

      3- In my opinion/ I think this is impossible

  60. 1- Not all have changed. The concept of a real friend is the perfect example. Yo can not be frien of someone you don not see in person. At least, it would not be the same kind of friendship.
    2- Interconnectivity, information and multimedia development growth; against, loneliness, loneliness and loneliness.
    3- It is possible, but it just does not worth it. People needs a mix.

    Montanaro Nicolás
    Friday Morning
    Classroom 705

    1. Nicolás,
      Very good job!!*****
      1- Not all HAS changed. The concept of a real friend is the perfect example. YoU can not be frienD of someone you DO not see in person.
      3- It is possible, but it IS just NOT
      worth it. People NEED a mix.

  61. 1. On my opinion, thing have changed a lot and it will change more and more.
    easy cominication
    access of comunicattion easyer and faster than before.
    Better style of life.
    no sociabilitation
    people dont move and get a not healthy life.
    no privacy
    3. no, its impossible. the technology is part of our life and its very important to improve our lifes

    lucas malter terrada
    lu 1018859

    1. Lucas,
      Good work!!!*****
      1. IN my opinion, thingS have changed a lot and THEY will change more and more.
      easy comMUNication
      access TO comNunicattion easIer and faster than before.
      no sociabiliZation
      people DON´T move and HAVE AN UNhealthy life.

      3. no, it´S impossible. (the) technology is part of our life and it´s very important to improve IT.

  62. 1- Yes , things have changed, but it not all bad.
    2- Pros : 1. People have more commodities.
    2,, people have more time.
    3.. People have more rights.
    Cons: 1.people are more sedentary
    2-- people are less sociable
    3- people need technology
    Flavia Bresciani

    1. Flavia,
      Good work!!*****
      1- Yes , things have changed, but it IS not all bad.
      2- Pros : 1. People ARE more COMFORTABLE

  63. 1- Do you really feel things have changed? Yes. Thing change faster every day
    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    Pros: we are all connected all the time, we can search for information faster, better living conditions
    Cons: we depend on technology for everything, we spend a lot of energy, we pollute the enviroment
    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology? No. Today we are used to living with technology

    Scheuer Nicolas
    Lu: 125363

    1. Nicolás,
      ThingS change fasT every day

  64. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    - Yes, everything has changed like those pictures shows.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    - The information go faster.
    - You could communicate with somebody at the other part of the world.
    - The way to live is easier than before

    - People has less eye contact.
    - People became more dependent from technology
    - People became more cold about feelings.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    - Yes, obviously that we can live without technology. But we are using it all the time and we start to depend of it.

    Gastón Chalá
    LU: 1026833
    Turno mañana

  65. Gastón,
    Well done!*****
    1- Yes, everything has changed like those pictures SHOW.

    2-(The) information goES faster.
    - You CAN communicate with somebody IN other partS of the world.
    - People HAVE less eye contact.
    - People became /HAVE BECOME more dependent ON technology
    - People became/ HAVE BECOME COLDER about feelings.

    3- ... and we startED to depend ON it.

  66. Jennifer Fernández Suss

    1- Do you really feel things have changed?

    Yes, of course. The technology has changed everything and very fast!

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?

    - The distance between countries is know very short because of the internet.
    - You can find a lot of information on the internet, not only in books like before.
    - The news go faster and for example in Argentina you can know what´s happening in Italy.
    - You can buy things of another country.
    - Every moment you can know where your family or friend are.

    - People stay at home and they don´t go to a club for example.
    - People became fat because they don´t make sports in the real life, only in the virtual life.
    - People are more alone and they don´t share much time with the family.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?

    No, I think it´s more possible that we change and use the technology in the right way.

  67. Jennifer,
    Very good work!*****

    ---- (The) technology has changed everything and very fast!

    - Now,the distance between countries is very short because of the internet.

    - (The) news goES faster ......
    - You can buy things FROM another country./ OTHER COUNTRIES
    - Every moment you can know where your family or friendS are.

    - People HAVE becOme fat because they don´t DO sports in the real life, only in the virtual life.
    - People FEEL LONELY and they don´t share much time with theIR family.

    ...... ( the) technology in the right way.

  68. 1) Yes I really think that things have change and I think that are going to change more.
    2)The pros, for example, are that nowadays you can talk with any person of the Earth at any time and a lot of things become easier like a transfer of money.It's simpler nowadays.
    The cons we can see in the communication, wich becomes very poor and sometimes even zero. And that is so ilogical because the technology made communication much simpler.
    Another con is that childs are loosing experiences like do sports with his friends because they prefer to play videogames.
    3)I think that it's possible but I really appreciate a lot of things from technology

  69. Bray,
    Very good job!*****

    1) .....things have changeD ........ THEY are going to ........
    2) ON earth and a lot of things HAVE become easier
    we can see THAT communication, (wHich) IS very poor...... because ( the) technology HAS made
    Another con is that childREN are lOsing experiences SUCH AS DOING sports with THEIR friends ......

  70. 1) Yes, everything has changed in the word with the tecnology.
    2) I think that the tecnology is good in some cases bud it isn´t good for another cases, for example, if you have a friend in another county, with the new tecnology you can talk a lot of time(sin)pay a cent.You can buy a lot of things in other cauntrys.You can look for information in the internet. But you can spend a lot of time in the internet and that isn´t good for the health. You forgot to have a real talk with your friends. And finaly you depend more and more from the tecnology.
    3) I think the tecnology is important, because is usful for a lot of things.

    Gabriela Hansen
    LU: 1038143
    Monday morning

  71. Gabriela,
    Very good work!*****
    1) Yes, everything has changed in the worLd BECAUSE OF tecHnology.
    2) I think that (the) tecHnology is good in some cases bud it isn´t good IN Other cases, for example, if you have a friend in another countRy, with the new tecnology you can talk a lot of time WITHOUT PAYING a cent.You can buy a lot of things FROM other COUNTRIES. .... But you can spend a lot of time ON the internet and that isn´t good for OUR health. FORGET ABOUT HAVING a real talk with your friends. And finaly you depend more and more ON tecHnology.
    3) I think (the) tecHnology is important, because IT is usEful for a lot of things.

  72. 1- Yes, the technology change our world everyday.
    2- Pros: We have a lot of information on our home thanks internet. Also if we need to talk with someone that is living far away from us, we can communicate with internet. And finally it's a way of entertainment.
    Cons: One of the worst things of the technology advance is that people became sedentary. Also if we stay a lot of time on internet isn't good for our health. Finally some people forgot the real life and live on "internet life".
    3- I think that technology is very important and we can't live with it but we can use it less.

  73. Nicolás,
    Good work!!*****
    Yes, (the) technology changeS.......
    ...a lot of information AT home thanks to the internet
    .....communicate through the internet
    ...the advance of technology is that people HAVE BECOME.......
    ON THE INTERNET IT isn´t good......
    some people forget about their real life and live an internet life
    ...we can´t live withOUT it but we SHOULD use it less.

  74. 1)Yes, i think that things have changed and this photos represent perfectly this changes.
    2)Pro: You have a lot of information of any topic whith only a click. You have many different ways to connect wiht people who are in another country. You can see movies or TV series free.
    Cons: You lose a lot of time in front of computer. You forget the importance of meeting people face to face. You could have fisical problems, for example in your view, or your back, because of the position.
    3) I think that nowadays we used to live whith internet and we use it for all kind of things, like do homework, or pay taxes, or buy tickets for the cinema, and it would be impossible to live wihtout it.

    Julieta Tula

  75. Julieta,
    Very good!!!*****
    1) ,I (CAPITAL LETTER) ....... and thESE photos represent THESE changes PERFECTLY.

    2)ProS:....WITH (spelling). ....for free.

    Cons: You WASTE a lot of time in front of THE computer. You forget ABOUT the ........
    You could have PHYSICAL problems, for example in your SIGHT,....

    3) I think that nowadays we ARE used to livING WITH THE internet and we use it for all kind of things,SUCH AS DOING homework, payING taxes, or buyING tickets for the cinema, and it would be impossible to live WITHOUT it.

    Do you really think that it would be impossible?

  76. Manuela Echelini, Monday Morning. LU: 1037828

    1) I think that things has change. But I really thing that some things has been envolved because it was necessary to our life. And aother things has change and turn our life wrong.

    2) Pros:
    *Technology helps us to search info easily.
    *Modern technology entertain us and our children for hours.
    *Whit one thing we can make or do a lot of things or activities, like the computer or the lastest Tv`s.
    *Internet replaces books, so children don`t know what a book shop is, don`t experience the feel of the world “silence”.
    *Technology makes our lifes lazy. We don`t use our mind to think, we give our responsibility to technology to do things for us.
    *Nowadays , the figure of the teacher is not respected by students and his parents. Parents think that his sons haven`t got any problems, they think that teachers have.

    3) I think that today it`s imposible to live without technology because we are accustomed.

    1. Manuela,
      Very good job!*****
      1) I think that things haVE changeD. But I really thinK that some things haVE IMPROVED because it was necessary to our life. And Other things haVE changeD and turnED our life INTO SOMETHING BAD / NEGATIVE

      2) *Modern technology entertainS us and our children for hours.
      *WITH one thing .............. or the laTest T.V sets
      don`t experience the feelING of the woRD “silence”.
      *Technology makes our liVES lazy. *Nowadays , the figure of the teacher is not respected by students OR THEIR parents. Parents think that THEIR KIDS haven`t got any problems, they think that teachers have.

  77. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?

    Yes, I do, because our lifestyle is extremely different than a few years ago. Technology is one of the most important factors in these changes. Some of these changes improve our life and other ones deteriorate it.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?

    1. I think the most important improvement that technology has been making is the advances in health. Nowadays a person has a longer life expectancy than a few years ago.
    2. The possibility of been in contact with people who is in another city or even country by internet, which is faster than a letter and cheaper than a phone call.
    3. We can look for information in seconds by internet.

    1. People have become lazier, because they can do everything by internet from buying a pizza to buying a plane ticket.
    2. Especially in kids, they are getting fatter and fatter, because they prefer spend their free time in front of a computer or a play station instead of hanging out with friends or playing a sport.
    3. Face to face contact has been replaced for contact by mobile phones and internet.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?

    Nowadays is impossible to live without technology because we live in a globalized world and all the improvements in health for example are really important, we just can’t live without them.

    Paula Mariela Fernández
    Monday Mornings 614

  78. Paula,
    Very good work!*****

    2. The possibility of BEING in contact with people who ARE in another city or even country ON THE internet, .
    3. ......ON THE internet.

    1. ........because they can do everything ON THE internet from buying a pizza to (buying) a plane ticket.
    2. Especially (in) kids, ........because they prefer spendING their free time .....
    3. Face to face contact has been replaced BY contact by mobile phones and THE internet.

    3-Nowadays IT is impossible ..........

  79. 1. Yes, things really change because of technology.
    2. Pros: - You have more information – You can be connected with other people all the time – People have discovered lot of things because of technology.
    Cons: - People don’t use books like in other time – People is always using their cellphone – kids don’t spend time outside they are always with computers.
    3. No, people can’t live without technology because they are accustomed to use it all the time.

    Camila Antognazza- LU 1036005

  80. Camila,
    Good job!!*****
    1. Yes, things HAVE really changeD because of technology.
    2. ......like in other timeS – People ARE always using their cellphone –
    3. .......they are accustomed to usING it all the time.

  81. 1 Yes, I think that all the things have changed in the last 15 years. The technology have changed our lifes.
    2 Yes, technology changed our life in a good and in a bad way.
    -You can get information or communicate from all over the world in a few minutes

    -There are a lot of things that you can dowload for free such as books, music, videos, etc
    -Avances in medicine, science.

    --Less contact with nature or healthy activity
    - People are less connected personally
    -People spend too much time at home

    3- In my opinion, the technology is part of the life and this is very important for relationships, advances and work. We live many years without technology but now it is impossible
    The society need adapt to the new technologies and changes

    Jennifer Mengeon lu 1026921

    1. Jennifer,
      Very good!*****
      (The) technology haS changed our lifE.
      2 Yes, technology HAS changed......
      -ADvances in medicine, science.

      3- In my opinion, (the) technology is part of PEOPLE´S life..
      We HAVE liveD.....
      (The) society needS TO adapt to the new technologies and changes

  82. Sebastian castaño lu:1024009

    1)Yes, i think that many things have changed and we have to replace these with new things more quickly , this is due to the progress of technology.
    2)pros: less time to finish many things and respect to old technology, now we have more space because all the new electronics are more confortable than the old electronics.
    Cons: less human interaction. The people are more sedentary as a result the people could have many health problem. The internet is a bit insecure.
    3)I think that we could live without technology but we can live using it moderately only when we need it.

    1. Sebastián,
      Good job!*****
      ..AS REGARDS ....
      (the) people...
      ...we can ALSO live....

  83. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes, I do. I really feel and I'm sure about that. Many of these pictures are true. Technology and society are the principal reasons.
    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    Technology is more conforable and really usefull for some things.
    You can communicate with people for all around the world "without costs" (It doesn't change the payment for using internet)
    There were important advances in health aspects.

    Contact face-to-face has lost a lot.
    Pollution has increased.
    Most of people prefer to stay at home.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    Yes, it's possible. A clear example is that in the past technology wasn't exist. But in my opinion technology is very necessary, taking into account the pros that I have mentioned before.

    Melina Rotger
    LU: 1029386
    Friday morning 204

    1. Melina,
      Very good!*****
      people FROM all around.....(Fees don´t change for using the internet)
      ...has BEEN lost
      most people....
      ...DIDN´T EXIST....

  84. Pingitore, M. Celeste. L.U:135071

    1- Do you really feel things have changed? Yes I do, things are changed, because technology and for others reasons. I think that things are evolution, someone for better, others for worst.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    Pros: 1) technology improves medical equipment. 2) Technology help to people connect more easy, and it don´t matter the space between they. 3) We can get information quickly by internet.

    Cons: 1) people are more disconnected from the real world. 2) People can´t live now without technology. 3) You waste a lot of time using technology.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology? No, I don´t think so, because we are accustomed to do the most things white technology.

    1. M. cELESTE:
      Very good!
      Things HAVE changed because OF...for otheR......
      evolution can be associated with the best and the worst
      technology helpS people to get connected more easily and it DOESN´T matter ...between them
      ... THE internet...
      .....to doING MOST OF OUR ACTIVITIES WITH......

  85. Sebastian Lema Albino Monday morning

    1) Yes i do, because the technology is inside our life nowadays and also the society change too. This of course have it pros and consecuences

    2) Pros:
    We can communicate whit people all over the world.
    We can buy cheapper and from all over the world.
    We can get a lot of information using internet.
    We stop using a lot of thing we used to (For example nowadays we send mails and no letters)
    We dont see face to face that much.
    We are technology dependents.

    3) No, its imposible. the world is use to the technology nowadays. i cant imagine the wolrd whit out it, it would be a dissater.

    1. Sebastián,
      Good job!*****
      THIS HAS itS..consequences
      ...BY using THE.....
      a lot of thingS....e-mails and noT.....
      we don´t have face to face meetings...
      IT is impoSSible.../ it would be impossible...the world is useD to (the) technology
      I / world/ without/ disaster ( spelling!!!)

  86. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes, I do, technology is really addictive.
    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    pros: 1- It's too easy find information.
    2- you can keep in contact with people in real time.
    3- It's funny.
    cons: 1- It's addictive
    2- Cause physical problems (vision,posture,etc.)
    3- You stop doing things in your own because the computer is more faster or easly.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    Of course. People used to lived without technology a few centuries ago.

    1. Santiago,
      Well done!*****
      ...to find....
      it causeS....
      ...ON your own...MUCH faster or easier.

  87. 1) Definitively the technology change all the things.

    2) 3 pros:
    Comfort, it allows communications long distance without very much cost, it's possible to investigate you and learn on any topic.
    3 cons:
    The persons link themselves only virtually, unhealthy, the child play on the computer all the steals.

    3) I don't believe that it's possible to live nowadays without technology, people get used so fast to comfort, it's difficult that it turns to what was used before.

    Florencia Martinez
    Inglés 2 - viernes mañana

    1. Florencia,
      Technology has definitely changed everything
      ...long distance communications...
      ...to investigate / do research and learn about....
      People only get in touch virtually. it´s ....children play.....
      What´s the meaning of "steals"?
      people get used to comfort very fast.
      ...to what we had in the past.

  88. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    Yes, I do
    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    pros: 1:It´s easy the comunication with other people
    2: It´s easy find information for your works
    3: You save space in your house
    1:Kids leave books to play with the computer
    2:There is less social life.
    3:It makes people loose their jobs, because they are replace by machines.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
    I think that we are so involved with tecnology now so we can´t live without it because is something normal for us

    Victoria Cabrera- LU: 1024254
    UADE- Friday Morning

  89. Victoria,
    Good job!*****
    it is easy to communicate with.....
    it´s easy TO....related to our jobs
    ...at home
    ...tecHnology now THAT we....because IT is ........

  90. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?
    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?
    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?

    1- I really feel the pictures shows the truth, things have changed a lot in the last 50 years.
    2- Pros of technology: it allows people to communicate everywhere, Its easier to find information and is very practical to use for buying things on the internet.
    Cons: Sendentary lifestyle, people you dont know can take information about you from social network and its not healthy for your body when people spend long time sitting next to the screen working or chatting.

    3- I think nowadays Its impossible to think of living without technology because we are accustomed to it. But it would be great.

    Paula Bruno
    Monday Mornings. English II

  91. Paula
    2- it´s .....to buy things.....
    sedentary......you don´t...and it´s not....

  92. 1.- Yes, I do. It isn't a sensation, when we look the picture about the school, I couldn't most agree with that.
    2.- Pros we have tecnological advance, more comunication and devices to make the life more comfortable. Cons, we have less contact with the environment, less social meetings and we do less sports.
    3.- If we lived without it why not can be possible. But I think that the technology is make to do our live more easier. I think that the advances of technology are a big opportunity for us.

    Andrés Fox.

  93. Andrés,
    Good job!!*****
    1-....when we look AT......I couldn´t agree more ...
    2- ....technological advanceS .....communication....to make (the) life.....
    3- ....why not can be posible ( it is not clear...could you clarify this point, please?) ..
    .(the) technology should make our lives easier

    1. 3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?
      In the past the humanity lived without technology, so I think we could live without technology.

      Thank you.

  94. Andrés,
    ...(the) humanity.....
    ......without technology nowadays.

  95. 1- Yes, I do. When I was a child I played with my friends. And I see that nowadays the children plays a lot with the play-station on another game.
    2- Pros, we have a lot of more information, we can communicate with people over the world with the computer, and support the development of several discoveries.
    Cons are that the technology cause addiction, causes unemployment because machines replace men, we talk less face to face.
    3- No, I don't think to it's possible live without technology, because we need the cellphone or the computer to communicate or for work. But I think that it's possible to live with less technology.

    Maria Florencia Silva
    English II Monday Morning

  96. 1- Do you really feel things have changed?

    Yes, absolutely. Nowadays everything in life goes around technology.

    2- Could you mention at least three pros and cons?


    -We can communicate with people all around the world.
    -We have more information
    -Its a way of entertainment.


    -Its addictive.
    -Less social life.
    -Less contact with other people and nature.

    3- Do you think it is possible to live without technology?

    No. I think it's impossible yo live without it because we were born with it and now we need it for lots of things.

    Friday morning.

  97. M. Florencia,
    Good job!*****
    1.....(the) children plaY....
    2- (the) technology causes....
    3- No, I don´t think (to) it´s possible TO live......or (for)....
