Monday, May 20, 2013

"I want to be.........."

1- Watch this video and then write down your opinion


  1. As I think, the technology is using to improve society. As more cities start to realise the benefits of using technology to improve areas as diverse as healthcare, education and crime prevention, we are beginning to edge closer to a more socially. The technology benefits the communication in differents ways. it is the means we actually use to communicate that changes almost daily. There are whole careers that are focused around technology and computer information systems due to that fact that technological communication has become so important to us. The manners associated with the ways we communicate with each other continue to be the key to how we understand each other. As new technology emerges, there are new manners associated with the new methods of communication. For this reasons is very important that everybody can use or learn to use the computers, which are one of the best creation as a technology.

    Ailín Perazzini. LE: 1025988.

    1. Ailin,

      As I SEE IT, (the) technology is usED to improve society. As more cities start to NOTICE the benefits of using technology to improve areas as diverse as healthcare, education and crime prevention, we are beginning to GET closer to a more social WAY OF LIFE. (The) technology benefits (the) communication in differenT ways. it is the means we CURRENTLY use to communicate AND that changes almost daily. There are LOTS OF careers that are focused ON ........ For this reasoN IT is very important that everybody can use or learn to use (the) computers, which are one of the best creationS OF technology

  2. All the time everydoby around told us that technology is the future, couse of that we should learn how to use a computer or how to use any technology divice, but technology isn't just the future anymore, it is the present, because nowadays it's everywhere: in areas like helth, business, security, construction, entreteinment, it's very important in factorys, and more. And it is not just what i think, it is our reality. That's why we must be prepear and learn about technology and how to use it. In the area of communication for example it is more than important, on days like these, be in contact with anybody around the world is easy and distance seems to be shorter when technology is in the middle. So that and all the things that i haven't mentioned is why it is important to learn tu use a computer. And also how to program a computer too, because you can make a huge contribution to your area of interest knowing how to do that.

    Juan Manuel Pfeifauf
    LU: 1037623


  3. Juan Manuel,
    All the time everyBoby around SAYS that technology is the future, BECAuse of that we should learn how to use a computer or how to use any technologICAL dEvice..... in areas SUCH AS heAlth,..... entERTAINment, it's very important in factorIEs, and more. And it is not just what I think.... That's why we must be prepARED and........ In the area of communication for example it is more than important THESE DAYS TO be in contact with anybody around the world. IT is easy...... BECAUSE OF that ..... I........... to learn tO.......

  4. For me technology is important because is a tool to improve the society. Nowadays people used it in business, constructions, entertaiment, in health area, to search information or to be conected with other people around the world. Also, technology is important because people can do things faster. For me, people need to learn how to use for example a computer to improve their lifes.

    Spreafico Anabella
    L.U: 1037050
    Monday morning

    1. Anabella,
      Good job!*****
      ....... because IT is a tool to improve (the ) society.
      Nowadays people usE it . . people need to learn how to use a computer FOR EXAMPLE to improve their lIVES
      IN MY OPINION, I THINK, I BELIEVE, FROM MY POINT OF VIEW, AS I SEE IT, I GUESS (pay attention to different ways of giving opinion)

  5. In my opinion, technology is always present in our lives and in every activity which we do. When we are working, technology facilitates us to look for phrases and words, lets us save time and contacts people of every part of the world. When we want to spend a funny time, we can use a lot of technologic objects too. For example, Ipods, Laptops, Tablets and Smartphones.
    For these reasons, I believe that technology is very important nowadays. In addition, it lets us develop our abilities but it also has got some defects. One of them is we are losing the personally communication and i think this is a bit sad.

    1. Trinidad,
      Well done!*****
      .......and in every activity (which) we do. ......, technology ENABLES us to look UP ......and WE CAN contacT people FROM every part of the world. . . we can use a lot of technologicAL objects too. .. .. One of them is we are losing (the )personaL communication

  6. In my view, today, technology takes a very important role in our society. I think it has advantages and disadvantages. the advantages are to improve communication and helps us to be more informed. Also to help shorten distances when making meetings. But the disadvantage is that you lose face-to-face communication and contact between people.

    Lucas Diaz
    LU: 1039092
    Lunes, turno mañana, aula 614.

    1. Lucas,
      Very good work!***** has improved communication and .....also it helps .....

  7. I think now the technology is part of our lives and in the future it will be even more, so it is very important that everyone know how to use a computer, we understand that technology may be the future, I believe that we should not deny but to adapt to the new changes.
    Today it is impossible to think of a job without the use of a computer, is our means of communication and I think we should enjoy the new advances that brings.
    The way it is used depends on each one. Many people think that computers cut off us but I think it brings us, we just have to know how to use.
    Mariela Spezia
    LU: 1005781
    Monday morning

    1. Mariela,
      Good job!*****
      (the) technology.....
      everyone knowS...
      these new changes
      ...IT is our means of.....
      ....that it brings about

      Many people think that computers cut off us but I think it brings us,(this sentence is not clear, Could you please rewrite it?

      we just have to know how to use IT.

    LU 135490

    I think that technology is very important for all in special for a children. But it has advantage and disadvantage. If we use techonology in all aspect of you life, we forget face to face contact. But the techonolgy has more importance for example in medicine or education. You can`t only use technology and forget the tradicionals habits.

    1. Jesica,
      Good work!*****
      ...for everybody specially for (a) children.
      advantageS and disadvantageS
      .......aspectS of our life we will forget about.....
      but (the) technology is very important in ....
      ...forget about the traditional .....

  9. The video basses on one simple topic of how important can it be to lear how to program and code on a software. Its great to heared a lot of opinions from, for example Chris Bosh and Bill Gates, how beeing two tottaly diferent peoples how they aggre on the same toppic of how important are coding and programing for the future.

    Gonzalo Espiño
    English 1, Class C Monday Morning.

  10. Gonzalo,
    Good job!*****
    IT ´S ...TO LISTEN TO A LOT OF.......

  11. im studying engeniering and i think the programming is the future, because you can do what you want.
    the tecnology are advancing very fast, so if you can program, you can do alot of inimaginables things.
    facebook is an example, Mark Zuckerberg had an idea and he change the world with only one page

    1. Mauro,
      Good job!!*****
      I AM studying ENGINEERING and I think (the) programming
      (the) tecHnology IS.....
      inimaginablE things.
      ....he HAS CHANGED.......

  12. Nowadays people are accustomed to living with technology,i believe that technology means progress,and help us to live better. The new and advance technology shortens the distance, we can do things faster, but also make us lazy, a lot of teenagers would rather spend their free time in front of their computer than meet their friends and that´s not healthy!
    i think that no one would want to live without technology but we have to be careful.

    Delfina Nuñez
    LU: 1039720

    1. Delfina:
      Well done!*****
      I (Capital letter)
      ..but IT also makeS......meetING
      ...WE SHOULD BE careful

  13. The video speaks about how important is the technology nowadays, and how useful are the programs of the computers, since they allow you to do what you want, the applications offer to you a service, already it is to facilitate your work, or only for fun or communication, as facebook or twitter

    Florencia Martinez
    Inglés 2 - viernes mañana

    1. Florencia,
      Good job!*****
      The video IS about how important technology IS.....and how useful computer PROGRAMMES ARE, .....
      the applications offer a service TO YOU, EITHER to facilitate your work, or ......, SUCH as Facebook or Twitter

  14. I think the technology has advantages and disadvantages as it helps us to be more releases to perform tasks that were previously impossible and organize our time better but that connexion in communication also takes us away because instead of sitting down to take a coffee with a friend face to face we talk through the internet and lost certain values.

    Victoria Cabrera- Lu: 1024154
    UADE-friday morning

    1. Victoria,
      Well done!*****
      I think (the) technology..... to be more relAXED ....conneCTion
      ... and losE certain values

  15. In my opinion today computers make easier our lives but we don´t need to know how to make programs on them or use computing codes, we must know how to use them, that is for sure.

    Santiago Barroso
    LU: 1O27721
    Friday morning

  16. Santiago,
    Very good!*****
    In my opinion, today computers make our lives EASIER....

  17. I think that technology has become an important factor in our lives. Everyday we are in touch with technology and because of this our life is more simple and practical. The only criticism that I have of technology is computers. I think the creation of the computer was a breakthrough for people but at the same time have injured us. For example, the kids today don`t know what is playing football in the park with friends because they prefer play games in computer or playstation. This doesn`t mean that the technology is very useful. The communication advance through technology. The people send text messages or chat in facebook or twiter to express feelings that they couldn`t express in person. Also I advance health and industry.

  18. Gastón,
    Good! (Better late than never)
    ...simplER and more practical
    ..has injured us
    (the) kids play football with firends in a park
    ..prefer TO play games at .....
    (the) technology is not....
    Communication advanceS ....
    (the) people ....Facebook / Twitter (capital letter)
    ...they CAN´T express.....
    (Also I advance health and industry) IT´S NOT CLEAR....

  19. I think that computers are extremely useful nowadays. Not only for students at university or at school, who use computers for studying or making some research for their homework, but they are a necessary tool of work for many workers. For example, an accountant will make more easily all the financial statements and the forms needed to make the statements, by using a computer. Therefore, it is also very important for most of workers to know how to use them.

    Federico Mastriaco
    LU 1028183

  20. Federico,
    do research
    an accountant will work on all the financial statements and fill out forms ...more easily....
    most (of)

  21. In my opinion computers are very important in this times, the technology is advancing very quickly and if you have the ability to use those benefits that the technology give to you, you can do many things more easier. For me the programation of computers is very interesting and I believe that improves form of think of the people.

    Martiniano Villalba, Ingles I, Friday morning.

  22. Martiniano,
    Good job!*****
    ...these days. (the) technology.....giveS....more easily.
    computers programming can improve people´s way of thinking

  23. In my opinion, computers or technology in general are very important for everybody. People that is doing a course of studying on whatever can use technology to make practical works or to study and people that is working usually use computers to work. But i think that children has to have a control of the time their use technology because it could be bad for them.

    Martin Herrera. Friday Morning
    Lu 1038610

    1. Martín,
      Good job!*****
      People who ARE attending a course of studies ..practical worK
      People who ARE .....
      I (capital letter)
      children / should .....they use.....

  24. the video is about a technology, programing and development.
    To day the computers are very important to development and evolution, and in the run of the year all things will be controlled by computers.
    Programming companies today take great care to their employees and offer better working conditions.

    Emiliano Lopez Iturriche
    Uade Monday Morning

    1. Emiliano,
      Good work!*****
      (a) technology.....
      Today, (the) computers
      to develop and evolve...and very soon / as time goes by......everyghing will be.......
      take care OF.....
