Saturday, May 18, 2013

"Don´t worry, be happy"

1-Do you think it is easy not to worry?
2- It is easy to tell others not to worry, but less easy to follow this piece of advice yourself"
  What´s your opinion?

3-Could you paraphrase these sentences, please?

Ain't got no place to lay your head

He may have to litigate

Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style

Ain't got not girl to make you smile

Your face will frown

4- Let´s make sentences expressing probability.

a-      If you worry you will not be happy

b-      If you are not happy………………………

c-       If you…………………………………………..

d-      If you……………………………………………

e-      If you……………………………………………


  1. 4)b-If you are not happy, you will not laugh.
    c-If you hasnt got enthusiasm to do the homework, you will probably have a lot of mistakes.
    d-If you are a bad person, nobody will love you.
    e-If you are a very funny person, you will have got a lot of friends.

    1. Trinidad,
      Good work!*****
      What about 1,2,3?
      If you don´t show enthusiasm....... will have a lot of......

  2. 1) Is very hard not to worry that people today are always thinking to get to pay all the bills and so many commitments that they forget to live life.

    2) In my opinion is the truth because it is easy to say but not easy to do. Generally very difficult to live the carefree life.

    3) Ain't got no place to lay your head
    Somebody came and took your bed
    Don't worry, be happy.

    The landlord say your rent is late
    He may have to litigate
    Don't worry, be happy.

    Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
    Ain't got not girl to make you smile
    Don't worry, be happy.

    Cause when you worry your face will frown
    And that will bring everybody down
    Don't worry, be happy.

    4)a-If you worry you will not be happy.

    b- If you are not happy you are worry.

    c- if you are worry because The landlord say your rent is late, don't worry.

    d- if you don't worry, you have a good life.
    e- if you worry, you don't have a good life.

    Lucas Diaz
    LU: 1039092
    Lunes, turno mañana, aula 614.

    1. Lucas,
      Good job!*****
      1) IT Is very hard not to worry. People today are always thinking ABOUT HOW TO pay......

      2) ....IT is TRUE .....IT IS Generally very difficult to live A carefree life.

      3)To paraphrase means to say the same thing in other words.

      4)b- If you are not happy you WILL BE worrIED.

      c- if you are worRIED because The landlord sayS your rent is late, don't worry.

      d- if you don't worry, you WILL have a good life.
      e- if you worry, you WON't have a good life.

  3. 1) No I think it is difficult because people usually have problems in their lives.
    2)People tell other people what they should do but they dont usually follow their own advice
    3aint got no place to lay your head,
    somebody came and took your bed,
    don't worry, be happy
    The landlord say your rent is late
    He may have to litigate
    Don't worry, be happy.

    Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
    Ain't got not girl to make you smile
    Don't worry, be happy.

    Cause when you worry your face will frown
    And that will bring everybody down
    Don't worry, be happy.

    4)a- If you worry you will not be happy

    b- If you are not happy you will get sick

    c- If you get sick you will go to the doctor

    d- If you go to the doctor you will spend money on medicines

    e- If you spend money on medicines you will have less money for your holidays

    1. Nicolás,
      Good job!*****
      2)...... but they DON´T .....
      3)To paraphrase means to say the same thing in other words.
      e- If you spend money on medicinE....

  4. 1- I'ts difficult not to worry if you live in a crowded city like Buenos Aires, but other than that it could be possible.
    2- Yes, there is a phrase that said; easy to say than to done, i think that this summarizes that.
    3- Ain't got no place to lay your head..somebody come and took your bead.. Don't worry, be happy

    the landlord said your rent is late.. he may have to litigate.. don't worry, be happy.

    Ain't got no cashm ain't got no style.. ain't got not girl to make you smile.. don't worry, be happy

    Cause when you worry your face will frown.. and that will bring everybody down.. don't worry be happy.

    4- a- if you worry you will not be happy
    b- if you are not happy you will be happy later
    c- if you don't have time forget your watch
    d- if you are hungry eat
    e- if you are feeling bad watch some tv

    Gonzalo Espiño
    English Monday Morning class C

    1. Gonzalo,
      Good work!*****
      1- IT´S difficult not to worry if you live in a crowded city like Buenos Aires, but it could be possible .
      2- Yes, there is a phrase that saYS; eaSIER SAID THAN DONE. I (CAPITAL LETTER)
      3- To paraphrase means to say the same thing but in other words.

      4-c- .... forget ABOUT your watch
      e- ...T.V

  5. 1- No, it’s not easy not to worry; you will always be worried about something and that happens because we are always doing something that we care about.
    2- I agree with that, but we say ‘Don’t worry’ to our friends because we don’t want them to feel sad, but like the sentence said it’s not that easy to follow it yourself.
    3- Ain't got no place to lay your head
    Somebody came and took your bed
    Don't worry, be happy

    The landlord says your rent is late
    He may have to litigate
    Don't worry, be happy

    Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
    Ain't got no gal to make you smile
    Don't worry, be happy.

    Cause when you worry your face will frown
    And that will bring everybody down
    Don't worry, be happy.

    4- b- If you are not happy you will be sad
    c- If you are sad you will cry
    d- If you cry you will feel bad
    e- If you feel bad you'll never be happy

    Macarena Seisdedos- LU 1029889
    UADE Friday morning


    1. Macarena,
      Good job!*****
      - , but AS the sentence .......

      3) To paraphrase means to say the same thing but using other words.
      For example:
      Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
      I haven´t got any cash. I haven´t got any style.

  6. Juan Pedro de Nicolás. (Friday's TM, level B)June 13, 2013 at 10:06 PM

    1) I Think it is not common not to worry about nothing, what we have to do is to not worry abour silly things, things that have a solution; we have to focus on real and hard-solutioned problems and find a way to eliminate that problem.

    2)what I think about that is that it is very easy to tell others not to worry, but we hardly follow our own advices,we must listen ourselves more often and try to act from within, listening to our inner voice.

    3) Paraphrasing:
    a) you don't have a place to sleep/to rest or to refuge
    b) the landlord may have to go to the law.
    c) given that I have no money, I dont have the look.
    d) you cant find a girl to have a good time.
    e) you will look old and worried

    4)If you are not happy, you might seem old
    if you don't enjoy life, you'll probably regret someday
    If you have at least a moment of fun everyday, your life will be longer.
    If you are sad, no one will note your great smile

  7. 1-Do you think it is easy not to worry?
    I think that it is not easy, because depends on the person and the situation he/she is living.

    2- It is easy to tell others not to worry, but less easy to follow this piece of advice yourself"
    What´s your opinion?
    In mi opinion, the problem is to acept the situation and change. Talk is easy, but change not.

    3-Could you paraphrase these sentences, please?

    Ain't got no place to lay your head
    Somebody came and took your bed
    Don't worry, be happy
    The landlord says your rent is late
    He may have to litigate
    Don't worry, be happy
    Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
    Ain't got no girll to make you smile
    Don't worry, be happy
    Cause when you worry your face will frown
    And that will bring everybody down
    Don't worry, be happy

    4- Let´s make sentences expressing probability.

    a- If you worry you will not be happy

    b- If you are not happy, think about those who don ´t have nothing.

    c- If you think in positive, everything will be better.

    d- If you help, you will feel satisfied with yourself.

    e- If you live free, you will die happy.

    Franco De Micheli
    LU 1027451

  8. 1- is very easy to say don{t worry but is very difficult to apply.

    2- in mi opinion affirmation reflects a very common reality

    3- a- no one can intrude into the heads of the other
    b- all people have secrets about themselves
    c- is common that relate happines to money
    d- another person can change your feeling on suddenly
    e- indicate clear face moods

    4- if you´re worried your loved one will be happy
    if you are not happy is happier state that is occupied
    if these hurt is more difficult to reach happines
    if love is harder invades you be worried

    Mariano Parente (UADE)
    135883 lun mñn

  9. 1) In my opinion is not to easy that the people dont worry because today people worry about everything. Today is different from when Bob Marley wrote the letter.

    2)I think that's right. It is easy to advise others, say that is right or what is wrong but it is very difficult to reflect what we say to others in our lives.

    3)Ain't got no place to lay your head
    Somebody came and took your bed
    Don't worry, be happy

    The landlord says your rent is late
    He may have to litigate
    Don't worry, be happy

    Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
    Ain't got no gal to make you smile
    Don't worry, be happy.

    Cause when you worry your face will frown
    And that will bring everybody down
    Don't worry, be happy.

    4)b-If you are not happy, you will be angry
    c-If you are acountant, you will sign forms.
    d-If you study, you will pass the exam.
    e-If you work, you will earn many.

    Gaston Sosa

    1. Gastón,
      Good!***** (Better late than never!)
      1) In my opinion IT is not to easy FOR (the )people NOT TO worry

      2)....., TO say WHAT is right or what is wrong to reflect ON what

      3) To paraphrase means to say the same thing but using other words.
      For example:
      Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
      I haven´t got any cash. I haven´t got any style.

      c-If you are AN acCountant, you will sign forms.
      .e-If you work, you will earn MONEY

  10. Jennifer Fernández Suss
    Monday morning

    1-Do you think it is easy not to worry?
    No, I think is very difficult not to worry because all the people have problems now a days.

    2- It is easy to tell others not to worry, but less easy to follow this piece of advice yourself"
    What´s your opinion?
    In my opinion that's true because you said always to your friends that "don't worry" because there are things more serious but until you pass this thinks you don't learn to be happy.

    Ain't got no place to lay your head,
    You haven't got a place to sleep or relax

    He may have to litígate,
    He has to take legal actions

    Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
    You haven't got money, you haven't got fashion

    Ain't got not girl to make you smile,
    You haven't got a girlfriend or a wife

    Your face will frown
    You face will scowl or your face will be old

    a) If you worry, you will not be happy
    b) If you are not happy, you will be sad
    c) If you are sad, you will eat like a cow
    d) If you eat like a cow, you will be fat
    e) If you are fat, you will have to make a diet

    1. Jennifer
      Very good!*****
      because you always TELL your friends NOT TO worry because there are more serious THINGS THEN WHEN you pass THROUGH THOSE THINGS ...
      you don't FEEL happy.
      He may have to take legal actions
      ....GO ON A DIET

  11. 1) In my opinión it is difficult bt i think it is worth for to be happy.
    2) I totally agree because it happens to me all the time. When i am worried or unhappy I remember my words "to be optimistic, there are worse things".
    3) a- If you don't have somebody to talk or if you don't have some place where to sleep.
    b- He will need a lawyer.
    c- If you don't have money you will not cool.
    d- You aren't happy because you don't have a girlfriend.
    e- Your face looks bad.
    4) b- If you are not happy, you could not enjoy your life.
    c- If you study hard, you will be a great professional.
    d- If you are sick, you should visit the doctor.
    e- If you don't know cook, you could not make a cake.

    Camila Colombier - UADE Lunes turno mañana, 2do cuatrimestre.

    1. Camila,
      Very good!*****
      1) In my opinión it is....but I think it is worth BEING....
      2) ...I (capital letter)
      3) ...c) you will not BE....
      4- If you are not happy you will not enjoy life
      If you don´t know how to cook you will not be able to make a cake

  12. 1 - I think it depends on the personality of each person. There are many people who care about small things and also some people do not care about anything that happens
    2 - It is true , sometimes give advice that we ourselves can not follow. Ideally, our actions consistent with our thoughts

    3 - Could you paraphrase These sentences , please?

    I have no time or place at this time to listen

    You may have to discuss it with you more seriously

    If you are out of fashion, you're not part of this world

    Even if you're girl who makes you smile , be happy anyway

    When you're worried change your gestures and your face

    4 - Let 's make sentences expressing probability .

    a- If you worry you will not be happy

    b -If you are not happy ... you do not smile ........................

    c- If you ... no smiles his life has no meaning ...............................................

    d - If you ...... your life has no meaning , it has to try to change .............................................

    e- If you ... change will be happy ................................................

    1. Patricio,
      1- ...some people WHO don´t care....
      Sometimes we give some advice we.....
      ....should be consistent in
      4- c. if you don´t smile his life will have no meaning
      Check d..e (rewrite them, please)

  13. 1- I think that in some situations it's possible but other it's more difficult
    2- It's true. Because when you give advices, you are not in the same situation that the other

    Ain't got no place to lay your head - You haven't got a place to rake a rest

    He may have to litigate - Perhaps he has to argue

    Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style - You haven't got any cash, you haven't got lifestyle

    Ain't got not girl to make you smile - You haven't got a girlfriend

    Your face will frown - When you are angr

    a- If you worry you will not be happy

    b- If you are not happy, your life will be boring

    c- If your life are boring, you will not smile

    d- If you not smile, your family will be worried

    e- If your family are worried, you will must change your life and your attitude.

    Lucas Datis - LU 1036452
    English ll C - Monday morning
