Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Violet Hill

1- What is this song about?
2- What month of the year does he mention?
3- What was the weather like?
4- Who was watching through the windows?
5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?


  1. 1- This song is about war, politics and religion. It's a kind of a protest song, but also -or literally- can be understood as the story of a soldier who speaks to a woman ("If you love me why'd you let me go?")

    2- The month that he mention is December.

    3- It was snowing.

    4- I think that they refer to the elites, or people who have the power, who are watching from a safe place, while they were "suffering".

    5-I don't have an answer for that, so I had to search for its meaning. The lead singer said that the song is a nod to The Beatles, and Violet Hill is a street near to Abbey Road, so I supose that is a way to make them a recognition.

    Friday morning, English IC

    1. Antonela,
      Excellent work!*****
      Take a look please
      2- The month that he mentionS is December.
      5-I DIDN´T have an answer for that, .....
      and Violet Hill is a street near (to )Abbey Road, so I supPose that IT is a way to (make them a recognition) PRAISE THEM / RECOGNIZE THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORLD OF MUSIC

  2. 1) I think this song is about the politics, the religion, the love and also can be understood as a soldier love´s story.
    2) The month that he mention is December, but I think is closer from Christmas because he mentions of snow.
    3) The weather was ugly and it was snowing. I think it was a cold and a snowing day.
    4) I think it is hypothetically speaking. because it refers to changes that had at that time and do it there through the window of his eyes.
    5) I think the letter´s about love and war and political ideas, that may have separated him of his love and so he write from afar saying what he feels.

    Pernigotti María Antonella. LU;1028578. Monday morning.

  3. M. Antonella,
    Very good work!!!!!!!
    Pay attention to...:
    1) I think this song is about (the) politics, (the) religion, (the) love and also IT can be understood ....
    2) The month that he mentionS is December, but I think IT is closer (from) TO Christmas because he mentions (of) snow.
    3) ....... I think it was a cold and (a) snowY day.
    4) I think (it)HE is (hypothetically) speaking METAPHORICALLY because HE refers to changes that had TAKEN PLACE at that time and HAD BEEN MADE (it) there through the window of his eyes.
    5) I think the (letter´s)LYRICS ARE about love and war and political ideas, that may have separated him (of)FROM his love and so he HAS WRITTEN from afar saying what he feels.

  4. 1. This song is about war, political problems and religion.The people in the power don´t care for the others and in that case is better to keep a low profile.
    In the midle of this, a man must to go to the war and he doesn't want to be a soldier, he has a lover but she doesn´t tell her feeling about him. In the song the man says "If you love me...would you let me know?"

    2. The month that he mentions is December.

    3. It was snowing.

    4. I think it is called Violet Hill because it is the place to take his lover, she was silent and he still wondering why she does not say what she feels.
    From my point of view is the last place where the couple meet before he left for war.

    Micaela Aguirre.
    LU: 1030354


    1. Micaela,
      Good work!!*****
      1. (The) people in (the) power don´t care ABOUT (the) others and in that case IT is better to keep a low profile.
      In the midle of this, a man must (to) go to (the) war and he doesn't want to be a soldier, he has a lover but she doesn´t tell HIM ABOUT her feelingS . In the song the man says "If you love me...would you let me know?"

      4. she was silent and he IS still wondering why ....From my point of view IT is the last place where the couple MET before he left for war.

  5. I forget the number 4!
    4. I think that they refer to the people who have the power, Political leaders

    Micaela Aguirre.
    LU: 1030354

    1. Good!
      I forgot number......
      4 I think they refer to those people .......

  6. 1- The song is about the war, he's complaining about the rich people, because they're safe, and they don't fight
    2- The month that he mention is December.
    3- It was cold and snowing.
    4- The rich people who was warm and safe in their houses.
    5- I think because he went to Violet Hill whit his girlfriend.

    Macarena Rama
    LU: 1026025
    Friday morning "C"

    1. Macarena,
      Good work!*****
      1- The song is about (the) war, he's complaining about (the) rich people, because they're safe, and they don't fight
      2- The month that he mentionS is December.

      4- The rich people who WERE warm and safe in their houses.
      5- (I think) because he went to Violet Hill WITH his girlfriend

  7. 1-What is this song about?
    The song is about the war, where he has to go but he dosent want. He mentions a woman that he loves and want her to express their feellings to him before leaving.
    He also complain about the people with power that they dont care about them.

    2- What month of the year does he mention?
    The month that he mentions is December

    3- What was the weather like?
    It was cold and snowing

    4- Who was watching through the windows?
    The people with power or maybe the reach people

    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?
    I think that the song is called “Violet Hill” because that was the place were he went with the woman he loves to say goodbye before going to the war.

    Daiana carabelli (1027167)
    Friday morning "c", 705

    1. Daiana,
      Very good work!*****
      1-What is this song about?
      The song is about (the) war, where he has to go but he DOESN´T want TO. He mentions a woman that he loves and wantS her to express HER feeLings to him before leaving.
      He also complainS about (the) people with power BECAUSE they DON´T care about them.

      4- Who was watching through the windows?
      The people with power or maybe RICH people

      5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?
      ...woman he loveD to say goodbye before going to (the) war.

  8. 1- The song is about the regards of a soldier who participates in a war. In his story, he also mentiones the polítical,economical and religiuos issues of that time. Finally,In any parts of this song, the soldier tells us about his feelings. 2-He mentions the month of December. 3-It was cold and snowing. 4-In my opinion, the groups who had economic and polítical power of those years were watching through the window and they were safe from war.
    5-I think that this song is calles Violet Hill because in that place, the protagonist find peace and security. And also it''s a site to meet with her love.

    Antonella Coppola.LU:1026590
    Friday morning, C.

    1. Antonella,
      Good work!*****
      1- The song is about THE CONCERNS a soldier who participates in a war HAS. In his story, he also mentionS the polítical,economiC and religiOUs issues of that time. Finally,In SOME parts of this song, the soldier tells us about his feelings. .
      5-I think that this song is calleD Violet Hill because in that place, the protagonist findS peace and security. And also it'S a PLACE to meet with her love

  9. 1- What is this song about? the song is about a guy who had to came to the war. He is remembering those times, telling about his feelings at those times. He also tells about the general situacion of that moment.

    2- What month of the year does he mention? He mentions December.

    3- What was the weather like? The weather was snowy.

    4- Who was watching through the windows? I think that he refers to that people who were whatching the war from their houses. Maybe he also refers to the leaders, the people who has the power because they only order to other people to fight, while they are safe in their houses, with their families.

    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"? I think this song is called 'Violet Hill' becouse that is the place were his love were waiting for him during the war, and where they can find peace, being together.

    Veronica Ivetich L.U: 1025750
    Monday morning, course 605.

    1. Verónica,
      Very good!***** GO to war
      He also talks about the general situaTion at that .....
      ..those people who were WATCHING
      people who HAVE the power
      ..his love WAS waiting for him ..

  10. 1- What is this song about?
    This song talks about the memories of a man who went to war, but for me this man was not obligated to go but he decided it, so is for this that he says "if you love me, why'd let me go?". The song also mentions the religion and he’s protests to war.

    2- What month of the year does he mention?
    The month that he mentions is december.

    3- What was the weather like?
    The weather was snowy

    4- Who was watching through the windows?
    The people that he says that were watching from the windows were those people who had the power and the mandate on the others. So then as they know that there inside their homes with their familias they were safe, watched the soldiers fought like a show.

    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?
    The song calls "Violet Hill" because there was the place were the soldier saw her girl for the last time and where she hopes him.

    Coscolla Magali LU:1025751
    Monday morning "c" course 705.

    1. Magalí,
      Good job!*****
      This song IS about.....He was not obliged to...he decided to go...that´s why he says....
      and his protest against....
      December (capital letter)ç
      those who give orders to others
      they are inside....
      they are safe watching the soldiers fighting....
      the song is called ....because that was the place...
      where she will be waiting for him / she hopes to meet him

  11. 1-What is this song about?
    The song is about war and the memories of a soldier who went to war.

    2- What month of the year does he mention?
    The month that he mentions is December

    3- What was the weather like?
    It was snowing and cold.

    4- Who was watching through the windows?
    The people who had the power. They are rich people.

    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?
    I think that the song is called “Violet Hill” because there was the place were the man says goodbye to her girl.

    Marianela Domínguez LU:1029741
    Friday morning English 1C

    1. Marianela,
      Very good work!*****
      ...that was the place where the man....his girlfriend.

  12. 1- What is this song about?
    This song is about a man who went to the war and now he is remembering the moments he lived there.
    2- What month of the year does he mention?
    The month of the year that he mentions is December.
    3- What was the weather like?
    The weather was like snowy and very cold.
    4- Who was watching through the windows?
    The people who had the power were watching from the windows the soldiers frozen.
    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?
    I think this song is called "Violet Hill" because is referred to a place where the soldier went with a woman waiting to know if she loves him but all that time she was silent still.

    María Carolina Leiva
    LU: 1027565
    Friday / Morning / "C" course 705

    1. M.Carolina,
      Very good job!*****
      He went to war
      the weather was (like) snowy....
      ...the soldiers freezing.
      It refers to a place where a soldier ......
      silent /still

  13. 1-The song is about a man who goes to war.
    2-December “Was a long and dark December”
    3-The weather was very cold. In the song is mention that was snowing and that soldiers froze “There was snow, white snow” / “While we froze down below”
    4-The powerful and reach people that stay in home instead of going to war.
    5-I think that violet hill symbolizes the death of the soldier because violet hill means bloody hill, and also explains why she was in silent all that time. Also I think that the phrase “so if you love me, why you let me go?” that appears through the song refers that they konow that the end for soldiers will be death though some are hoping to survive.

    LU 1029148

    1. Milagros,
      We know it was snowing....
      Powerful and RICH people who stay at home..
      Violet Hill (capital letter)
      it refers to the fact that they know......

  14. 1) This song is about a man who went to the war, and this band is explaining that he didn´t want go to the war
    2) He mention December
    3) the weather was cold and cloudy
    4) the people who was watching from the windows was soldiers who had greater power in the army and they didn´t fought in the battle because they didn´t want to die
    5) well, in my opinion this song is call "violet hill" was in the hill when he last saw with his girlfriend before go to the war or maybe simply the hill was the place where he fighted

    1. Federico,
      Good work!*****
      ..a man who went to war..he didn´t want to go to war
      he mentionS ....
      the people who WERE watching.....were soldiers .....they didn´t FIGHT in the battle field..
      the song is callED....because it was the hill where he saw his girlfriend before goING to war or....where he FOUGHT


    1- What is this song about?
    2- What month of the year does he mention?
    3- What was the weather like?
    4- Who was watching through the windows?
    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?

    1) This song is about a soldier that is going to the war in December. He also says that he loves a woman and he would like to know if she loves him to.
    2) He mentions December.
    3) The weather was cold and there was snow.
    4) Powerful people that wasn't going to the war.
    5) I think that the song is called Violet Hill because it refers to the place where the soldier died and silent hill refers to the silence of that moment.

    1. Daniela,
      ...she loves him TOOç
      powerful people who were not going to war

  16. María Bragoni
    LU: 1028279
    Monday Morning

    1- What is this song about? The song is about a man who goes to war.
    2- What month of the year does he mention? December.
    3- What was the weather like? The weather was cold and there was snow.
    4- Who was watching through the windows? The powerful people who stayed at home instead of going to war.
    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"? In my opinion, It's a place where the protagonist meets his love.

  17. 1)this song is about a soldier that is going to the war, and he have to live what he really love,women.
    2) thay mention december
    3) the weather was very cold, and with white snow over the ground, so we can think that was a man from the north hemisphere, because it was a winter december.
    4) i think that all the parents, and specially their wife where watching them through the window.This is a special scene beacuse, you can imagine that the parents thought that they would not see again his child.
    5) i think that the song is called Violet Hill, because that was a special place for the soldiers, it can be the war place, or where he can meet with his love.

    Lucas Keenan
    LU 1026570
    1-c-mondays morning

    1. Lucas,
      ...going to war and he HAS to LEAVE what he really loveS..
      they mention December
      ..he was a man from ...
      ...Parents and wives were watching them...
      they would not see their children again.

  18. 1- What is this song about?
    Is about a soldier that may be is going to a war.
    2- What month of the year does he mention?
    3- What was the weather like?
    Cold and snowing
    4- Who was watching through the windows?
    May be his wife, girlfriend or some person who cares about him.
    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?
    Because that was the name of the place of the song is talking

    Rodrigo Molina
    Turno mañana - Nivel C

    1. Rodrigo,
      Very good work!*****
      IT is about a soldier who may be going ,,,
      a person..../some persons who care about him

  19. 1. This song is about a soldier that is going to the war but he wont go, he don't know why he have to go there.
    2. December
    3. It was cold and snowing
    4. I think that the people who were watching there were his captain and others elite soldiers.
    5. I think that is called Violet Hill because in the end of the song he said that he was going to take his love to this place.

    Agustin Piñero
    Lu: 1029066
    Turno mañana

    1. Agustín,
      go to war
      he doesn´t want to go
      he doesn´t know why he HAS to go there
      other vs others
      it is the end

  20. Gastón Chalá
    LU: 1026833
    Monday morning.

    1- What is this song about?
    - This song is about a man who is remembering when he went to war. He describes different situations, and all his suffering because he didn't have the woman he loves.

    2- What month of the year does he mention?
    - It talks about the month of December.

    3- What was the weather like?
    - The wheather was dark and cold with snow.

    4- Who was watching through the windows?
    - I think that they were all people of the government and people with power that send them to the war.

    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?
    - I think because "violet hill" is the place where he wanted to see his lover, or the place where they met always.

    1. Gastón,
      Very good!*****
      He mentions.....
      they always met / they used to meet

  21. 1- What is this song about?
    The song is about a man that goes to the war and it´s in love with a woman.
    2- What month of the year does he mention?
    3- What was the weather like?
    It´s cold and snowing
    4- Who was watching through the windows?
    The rich and luck people that stay at home instead of going to the war.
    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?
    I think that it is a place that he used to go with his love.-

    Agustina Mosquera

    1. Agustina,
      Good job!!*****
      go to war
      ...and is in love...
      ...luckY people
      ...a place where he .....

  22. 1- What is this song about?
    The song its about a soldier. He was in the war, but he didn’t wnat to be there. He was in love with a woman.
    2- What month of the year does he mention?
    3- What was the weather like?
    Very cold, there was a lot of snow.
    4- Who was watching through the windows?
    “They” , the people of the government.
    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?
    Because the snow turned violet.

    Morena Monteiro- 605- Monday
    Level C

  23. 1- What is this song about?

    The song is about the thoughts of a soldier going into battle.

    2- What month of the year does he mention?

    The month of the year is December.

    3- What was the weather like?

    The weather was cold , dark and snowing

    4- Who was watching through the windows?

    The people those who watching through the window were responsible for war.

    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?

    I think Violet Hill is a place where he felt safe and at peace and a place where he met with his love.

    Flavia Bresciani
    Friday morning

    1. Flavia,
      Very good work!*****
      those people watching through the window were responsible for that war.

  24. Violet Hill

    1- What is this song about? The song is about the war and a soldier who suffers and complains continuously
    2- What month of the year does he mention? The month that he mentions is December.
    3- What was the weather like? It was snowing
    4- Who was watching through the windows? I think there were people with a better situation and more powerful than the soldiers who have to suffer the consequences of a war.
    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"? In my opinion can be an imaginary place that means a lot to the soldier. That's why the song makes this place great emphasis on

    Magalí Lesdman
    Monday Morning

    1. Magalí,
      Good work!!*****
      ...(the) war
      ...who had to suffer ....
      ...IT can be.....
      the song lays great emphasis on this place

  25. 1- What is this song about?
    The song is about a man in love that was in the war. The man strange his wife and he were sad.
    2- What month of the year does he mention?
    The month of the year that he mention is December
    3- What was the weather like?
    The weather was snowy and cold
    4- Who was watching through the windows?
    The government people was watching trough the window
    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?
    Because Violet Hill is the place where he can be quiet with his love

    Pedro Lalanne, Monday Morning, LU: 1027873

    1. Pedro,
      the man MISSES....and he WAS sad
      ...he mentionS...
      ...people WERE.......through....

  26. 1.-
    The songs treat about a missing love and sadness.
    2.- December.
    3.- It's december and he said that there was snow and it was cold.
    4.- The people who is around of his life.
    5.- I think is a imaginarium place.

    Brando H y N.
    Monday .Morning.

    1. Brando,
      the song IS about...
      people who ARE....
      ...IT IS AN imaginary place

  27. 1) The song is about war, religion and the misdeeds happening in the world. It's also about a man who goes to war.
    2) December.
    3) It was snowing.
    4) The word "they" refers to those who initiated the war and are now watching it "through the window" meaning that they are comfortable at their houses while the war is happening.
    5) Violet Hill is a symbolic name which represents an anti-war protest.
    Julieta Plastina, Monday morning, LU: 1025741

  28. 1) The song is about a man that goes to the war but he didn´t want to be there. He was in love with a woman

    2) December

    3) The weather was cold and snowing

    4)The government people.

    5) Violet hill is the place where he was happy with his love

    Facundo Alberto, Monday morning. LU: 1025755

    1. Facundo,
      Very good job!*****
      go to war
      people from the government

  29. 1-The song is about a man who goes to the war , he miss his wife
    2- December
    3- It was cold
    4- The people of the goverment
    5- It s a place where he go whith his love

    Tomas Davila
    Aula :605
    Turno: Monday in the morning

    1. Tomás,
      Very good!*****
      go to war
      he missES his wife
      people from the government
      IT´s a place where he goES WITH....

  30. 1- The song it's about a lot of topics. It's about politics, religion, and love. The love story of a soldier.
    2- The month that he mention is december.
    3- It was cold and snowing.
    4- I think that were reach and powerfull people.
    5- I can't really tell why they name the song after violet hill . But i supouse maybe that it's the place were the soldier meet his beloved before going to war.

    barbara aust posteo nº 3 lu 1023430

    1. Barbara,
      Good job!*****
      The song IS about...
      ...he mentionS
      ..they were rich and powerfuL
      ...I suppose....where the soldier met his ....

  31. 1)The song talks about the problems, war, religion and poverty and soldiers

    2)In the song mentioned December

    3)It was winter, it was snowing and it was cold

    4)The powerful people watch from the window as the war passes while they are at home

    5) I don`t because the name song is "Violet hill" but I think it is related to the contrasts of war

    Inés Tavosnanska
    friday morning

    1. Inés,
      Good job!*****
      The song is about different problems such as...
      They mentioned....
      powerful people watched...while the war took place while they were at home.
      I don´t know why .....

  32. 1- What is this song about?
    this song about: love, war and suffering.
    2- What month of the year does he mention?
    He mention the month of December.
    3- What was the weather like?
    the weather was cold and dark and there was snow.
    4- Who was watching through the windows?
    I think he want to refer about everybody we are all watching the war.
    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?
    I think the song is called Violet Hill because it is a place that he like.
    Exequie Oudin.
    L.U.: 1.028.675
    Friday in the morning

    1. Exequiel,
      Very good!*****
      This song IS about....
      He mentionS...
      ...He referred to all the people who were watching..
      ...he likeS

  33. 1- What is this song about?
    The song is about a war that the singer went, he also talks about his wife´s love.

    2- What month of the year does he mention?
    It mention the month of December

    3- What was the weather like?
    It talks about winter, the weather was frozing and with snow

    4- Who was watching through the windows?
    The singer wants to say that people who iniciates the war do not participate, there are only watching while the soldiers figth.

    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?
    I think that this names is because Violet hill is a place where the character feels safe and have many memories of his life. Is this place where he wants to be dig.

    Martín Matta
    LU 1026524
    Friday morning 1C

    1. Martín,
      Very good!*****
      He mentionS....
      it was freezing
      ..people who started the war...
      they are....
      Violet Hill is the place where the character feels safe aand has .......It is the place where he wants to be buried.

  34. 1- What is this song about?
    The song and the whole albulm is about wars ,life and love.
    2- What month of the year does he mention?
    3- What was the weather like?
    He talks about snow and cold, so I guess that must be winter.
    4- Who was watching through the windows?
    I think that he means to the upper class and the government.
    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?
    I think that is a metaphor

    1. Natasha,
      ..album must be....
      ...he refers to.....
      ...IT is a.....

  35. 1- What is this song about?
    The song is about the love, the religion and the politics.

    2- What month of the year does he mention?
    The month that he mention is december.

    3- What was the weather like?
    The weather was cold.

    4- Who was watching through the windows?

    The The government people

    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?
    I think that this song is called "violet hill" because the man says that took his love down to violet hill.

    Juliana Olaberria Lu:1030337
    Fridays, morning.

    1. Juliana,
      Very good!*****
      It is about (the) love, (the)religion....
      ....he mentionS...December
      people from the government
      Violet Hill
      he took his love......

  36. 1- What is this song about?
    This song is about war, love and life.

    2- What month of the year does he mention?
    The month taht he mentions is December.

    3- What was the weather like?
    The weather was cold.

    4- Who was watching through the windows?
    The powerfull people.

    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?
    Because is the place where he want to see his love.

    Ivan Adjemian
    LU: 1020933
    Fridays, morning.

    1. Iván,
      Good job!*****
      ...that he mentionS
      ...powerfuL people
      Because IT is the place where he wantS to .....

  37. 1. I think that this song is about the war protest.

    2. The month that he mentioned is December.
    3. The climate is cold, with snow.
    4. I think the window watching the military.
    5. I think that is called about,for the mixes of love in times of war.

    Tomás Raber
    LU: 1026790
    Friday morning

    1. Tomás,
      ..some military men are watching through the window. is called like that because...
      what do you mean by "mixes..."?

  38. 1- the song is about the war and talks about a soldier who speaks to a women if she love him she would let him known.
    2-He mention the month of december.
    3-The weather was cold and frozen with snow.
    4-I don`t know very well because it is not mention clearly in the song but I think that it could be people that it is not in the war.
    5-I think that this song is called "violet hill" because he pretend to escape to the war, he want to go to a nice place and he mention this nice place with he name of violet hill. it is metaphorical.

    Lu: 1027452
    Turn: morning, friday
    LEVEL: C
    NAME: Sebastian Villanueva

    1. Sebastián,
      Good work!!!*****
      1- the song is about (the) war and IS about a soldier who speaks to a womAn if she loveD him she wouldN´T let him know.
      2-He mentionED the month of December.
      I don`t know very well because it is not mentionED clearly in the song but I think that it could be people that ARE NOT PART OF the war.
      .... "Violet Hill" because he WANTED to escape FROM the war, he wantED to go to a nice place and he CALLED this nice place Violet Hill.

  39. 1- The song is about the politic, the war and the love but specially of war.
    2- He mentions the month of December.
    3- It talks about Winter because mentions snow and cold.
    4- I think that he mentions to the government people
    5- I think that this song is called "Violet hill" because it's a better place where he wants be with her.

    1. I'm Daiana Benitez LU: 1026560

    2. Daiana,
      Good work!*****
      it is about (the)politics,(the)war,(the)love..
      He mentionS....
      he refers to people from the government is the best place where he wants to be...

  40. 1- The song is about the war, he's complaining about the rich people, because they're safe, and they don't fight by a better world.

    2-The month that he mentions is December.

    3-The weather was ugly and it was snowing. I think it was a cold and a snowing day.

    4- I think that he mentions to the government people.

    5- In my opinion, It's a place where the protagonist meets his love.

    INGLES 1 C AULA 705
    LEGAJO 1026467

    1. Javier,
      (the)war / (the)rich people
      fight for
      people from the government

  41. 1. The song is about a man who lived in time of war. He complains of those who are in power, because they kill and mistreat people, in the name of God.
    2. He mention December
    3. The weather was very cold. It was snowing, soldiers froze
    4. I think that the priests were watching trought the window
    5. I think it's called Violet Hill because that's the place where the soldier wants to be with the one he love. In time of war, he needed to be there with her.

    Pilar M. Ovando
    LU: 1019634
    Inglés IC Lunes turno mañana

    1. Pilar,
      complain about..
      He mentionED...
      Soldiers were freezing
      ...the one he loveS.

  42. PAULA DELGADO. LUNES, TM. LU: 1036431

    1- What is this song about?

    I think that song is about wars, a protest about wars and love.

    2- What month of the year does he mention?

    He mentions a long and dark December.

    3- What was the weather like?

    The weather was too cold and there was snow.

    4- Who was watching through the windows?

    I`m not sure but I think he refers the government.

    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?

    Because even though the world is in war he can takes his love to the "violet hill" and nothing will happen there, is a safe place.

  43. Paula,
    Great job!*****
    He refers TO government members
    ...he can takE....IT is a ......

  44. 1- What is this song about?
    The song is about a man who lived in time of war

    2- What month of the year does he mention?
    He mention December

    3- What was the weather like?
    It was snowing
    The weather was very cold.

    4- Who was watching through the windows?
    I think that he mentions to the govemment

    5- Why do you think this song is called "Violet Hill"?
    I think is a place where the protagonist meets his love Violet hill

    1. M. de los Ángeles,
      Very good!*****
      He mentionS....
      ..(to) the government
      ..IT is a place....

  45. 1- The song is about the war, he's complaining about the rich people, because they're safe, and they don't fight
    2- The month that he mention is December.
    3- It was snowing.
    4- The rich people who was warm and safe in their houses.
    5- I think because he went to Violet Hill whit his girlfriend.

    Nicolas Zayat
    LU 1028426
    Friday mornigns

  46. ´Nicolás,
    Good (Better late than never!!)
    ...he mentionS...

  47. 1- This song is judging the society the protagonist is living in. It also criticizes the government and the clergy as a part of that society which has the people's future determined. However, it can be understood as a love song in which the protagonist wants to go somewhere where he can be at peace with the person he loves.
    2- He mentions December.
    3- It was snowing.
    4- People who accept the society as it is and allows it to control the citizens.
    5- The song is called Violet Hill beacuse he says it is the place where he wants to go with his love to be at peace.

    Milagros Banciella Dickie

  48. Milagros,
    Good job!*****
    1- this song is about how the main carácter judges the society he is living in. He also part ot that.....which have.....
    4- ....and alloW
