Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Interviewing Charles Clarke, Ron Mueck´s assistant

After watching both videos, please take a look at the questions and answer them.
   Video 1

   Video 2

1- Have you ever heard of Ron Mueck?
2- Do you agree with Charles Clarke, his assistant when he refers to a kind of spell?
3- Do you ever go to art exhibitions? Why? Why not?
4- What do you think of Mueck´s sculptures?
5- How would you define all this work from the very beginning to the end?


  1. I had never heard of Ron Mueck.
    Yes, I agree because who see the sculptures think they are real.
    I never go to art exhibitions because I don't consider interesting.
    I think that Mueck's sculptures makes a truly challenging and interesting work as it achieves those who see their work think that the sculptures are real.

    Felipe Finger

  2. Felipe,
    Very good!*****
    I HAVE never Heard.....
    ...Because when yu see the sculptures you think ........
    I don´t consider THEM.......
    ...makE....since those who see them think these scultpures are real
